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Boring was an understatement. Boring would be putting it lightly.

Life was dull, repeating, and growing meaningless.

And yet, I stood at the one place where the people around me had posed as if it was the contrary. As if they hadn't just come back from a long day of work. As if they weren't having relationship issues. As if they weren't already yearning for something new and exciting to happen- something that would give them worth and significance.

The moon shined high in the sky, though the stars were veiled away and engulfed by the night's sky, leaving the canvas blank and infinite.

The changing lights of all different colors of the spectrum flickered and beamed over the different tents that were lined neatly in a parallel suit. And, in each tent, were different hosts for Halloween-themed activities.

To be quite honest, I had no idea what I was doing at this party. I wasn't even a party person. Far from it. I was much more of a recluse, enjoying the simpler and quieter things such as the comfort of my living room. I hated loud noises. I hated the romantic googly eyes some of the obvious lovers were making at one another. And, I hated this... being in a lively place but having nowhere I belonged to.

"A sight for sore eyes."

Someone's sweet-sounding feminine voice startled me, and I swiftly turned around, blinking the confusion away.

My lips parted but no words came out right away. I was too compelled by the woman's eerie attire. She wore a witch costume, her black pointy hat slightly sagging towards her right side, but she had made the conscious decision to cover her face, a veil over it, as if she had just come back from a funeral. Well, it was Halloween.

"I'm sorry?"

I watched as a corner of the mysterious woman's lips quirked upward into a subtle smirk.

"The spirits see all." That's... comforting? "Would you like to come in and get your fortune read?" Sweet but conniving.

"No, my friends will wonder where I am."

The witch stared me down, unmoving.

"You would lie to a witch?"

I arched a brow, amused.

"I think you may be taking your costume a little too seriously."

The wind brushed the space between us, the cool air swaying through my long silky raven hair, and the witch stepped forward, cupping my cheek with one of her hands, cradling it. She wore a thoughtful expression under her veil, her amber eyes softening. Her thumb moved slightly, though her eyes remained peering at me, calculatingly. I gulped, too stunned and astonished to move a muscle.

"I'm sensing something different with you already, sweet lost human."

"Really?" I wasn't actually believing any of this nonsense. Was I?

She nodded her head, her eyes gaining a spark in them the more they traveled over me, seemingly seeing something past the barrier that was my flesh.

"Yes, with the way the wind shifts around you, and with the way your aura beams so brilliantly. I can feel it all. It's so pungent and lively as your soul. Oh, what magnificent soul you must have!"

The cheek under the stranger's hand flushed, a heat rising to it, as my eyes narrowed at some point of the tent behind her, trying desperately to evade her intense amber orbs.

There was something strange about this woman. She was eccentric... and I was undecided on whether or not that was a bad thing.

She finally retrieved her hand, probably having noticed the effect her hand and her words were having on me, rendering me speechless, and she then gestured her hand towards the tent's entrance once again. Recomposing, I soon sighed but gave in to the beguiling and convincing witch, and I stepped inside. She followed behind and zipped the entry way shut.

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