Highschool Sucks!

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I woke up and yawned. I was so not ready for this day, but then again somehwere in the back of my mind I thought about seeing him again. I smiled, then forced myself to stop I have a big problem when I smile, especially when I think about Carter. But I just couldn't help myself.

  He is SUPER cute, he has blonde hair, and super blue eyes. They are like oceans , and when you look in them , it's like you're swimming. He's really tall and plays all kinds of sports.

After I stopped daydreaming, I rolled out of bed and walked into my bathroom that I shared with my sister. Good thing she didn't wake up until like 7:30. I was finally fifteen, and she was only twelve. Poor baby. Sucks for her.

I brushed my hair, which took forever, since it reached just above the dimples in my back. I pulled my straightner out and straightened it. Once I was done I pulled back my bangs so they wouldnt be in my face the whole day. Then I started to brush my teeth, then wash my face. I pulled out my makeup. I put on my primers, concealers and loose powder. Then I pulled out my Naked Palette, and did a simple smokey eye, complete with eyeliner and mascara. Then I finished the look off with some hot pink lipstick.

I walked into my walk-in closet and pulled out a coral tanktop that had small sequins on it, and grabbed a navy blue cardigan. I pulled on my dark washed Hollister jeans and rolled the ends up. I grabbed my navy colored sandals and looked at myself in the full length mirror. Suprisingly my green eyes sparkled and glowed, and I smiled and my teeth looked really good.

My petite frame of five three looked extra small compared to all my friends, except one, which by the way I was taller than! I felt as though my outfit wasnt complete though... I turned around and grabbed  my headband that wrapped around my head. It made the outfit pop!

I grabbed my backpack and phone and saw that I had two missed calls from my best friend, Emily. We had the same name. I called her back and she answered really frantically. "I'm having an emergency!"

"Emily!!! ARE YOU OKAY?! WHAT"S WRONG?" I basically yelled into the phone. I knew she had pulled the phone away from her ears and was making wide eyes, because I heard her laugh.

"I'm fine, but I think you need stress management, let me in?" she said as she laughed.

I hung up and walked down the stairs. She was older than me by a month and and eight days. So, she was already sixteen and could drive.

"Emmalee, I didnt know what to wear so I am wearing pajamas and I need help!" she looked like she was about to cry as she said that.

I laughed becasue she was wearing a pair of disney pajamas and still looked good. Man, she was lucky in the gene pool lottery. Actually I think she won it.

I looked at her with a smirk and answered with '' You better be glad that I woke up early this morning."

She came in and we ran up the stairs, she sat down on the bed and looked at me. She was a couple of inches taller than me, but we fit in the same size everywhere else. I grabbed a pair of hollister skinny jeans, that matched mine, and a white tank top with a heather gray colored jacket, which was also from hollister. I grabbed my E neckalce that she had given me for Christmas two years ago, and told her to change fast. I grabbed a pair of Toms that were decorated super cute , and she smiled and thanked me in spanish.

She had been learning spanish all summer and practically spoke it. I dragged her to the bathroom, and pulled her hair from the high ponytail she had in. I plugged in my curly wand, then brushed out her hair. I turned her around and did a simple makeup look, and pulled out my red lipstick. Red was her color, and I bought it for my house just for this occasion. I put loose waves in her hair, and we were done.

We walked downstairs and grabbed waters and a bagel. We walked out of the house, and headed to her red Mustnag, and headed to school.


After school, I met Emily at her car. She smiled and squealed. "Did you see Carter today?"

I rolled my eyes, because she already knew the answer to that question. "You would have to be on top of Mars to not see him!"

"So, Is he a 1 or a 10 today?" She asked as she winked at me and started to giggle. Only she knew what I said about him in the eighth grade and to this day we still had that specal bond. That was when Emmalee, and Emily became the double E's. Even though she had other close friends, they grew apart and we became even closer.

We leaned against the car and waited for Alex, Bella, and Sarah. We had all been bffs since the eighth grade, adn we had just grown closer. 

I turned around and watched Alex walk out of the school, with Allyson, they were laughing and talking about who knows what. I always envied their realtionship. Alex and I had been super close in sixth grade, then we were sepreated in seventh grade and hse met Allyson. Ever since then we haven't been as close. I shook my head to get out f the glance, and watched as Ally said bye and waggled her fingers. She was super pretty and the best outfits and clothes. I was a little bit jealous.

Alex was wearing a super cute pair of high waisted skinny jeans and a white tank with aztec patterns, paired with sandals. Her hair bounced in the wind as she walked, she had the sassiest walk in the whole school. Her makeup was on point, and was looking flawless.

Emily looked at me and ssaid something, but I wasnt paying any attention. 

"Hey girlys!" Alex greeted us as she did a small hairflip.

"What's up?!" Emily answered in response. 

I was about to say something when Bella walke dout of the doors. She was surronded by a bunch of guys. One was kinda cute, but I kept that to myself, because I think she kinda liked him. Oopps. He had shaggy brown hair, abd big chocolate colored eyes. He had small lips and a big stature. I had seen him around school, but didn't really know him. 


My head shot up as Bella screamed his name. She was really loud, but she always has been. She flirted with everyone but she didn;t mean to, that's just the way she was.

They all said bye as Bella walked up to our little clique. All we were waiting on was Sarah. She was always the last to the car, because she was busy getting all her books. She was kinda a nerd, but we loved her anyways! 

We all caught up as Sarah finally walked out the doors at 3:15. 

"Run Forest Run!" Emily yelled across the school's parking lot.

Sarah rolled her eyes and picked up her pace. We all got in the car, and headed to the local Starbucks.

Blank Space came on the radio. Emily reached to turn the volume up, but I had already turned it all the way up. Emily rolled down the top, and we sang at the top of our lungs as our hair ws windblown and our cheeks were turning red from all the singing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2015 ⏰

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