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There was an annoying girl running up to me like she totally wanted to get attention and that is sayori and she was my friend since we were 5 years old. Then she told me that she overslept again and she may be late for school. I was very annoyed because I kept waiting but then I gave up and left. I am kind of an mean person but she is dealing with it. She wanted me to join a club and I totally forgot about the club's that u wanted to join. But she was very worried about my future she is kind of a worrying person but that is who she is. We walked together every day at school and read together. Then I wanted to space out for a bit to look for some clubs. But some how she just Found me. Then I was about to join the art club but she invited me to her literature club. I was really confused about it she never made a club but I was bored and I did need but I disagree but I heard that they made cupcakes so I just came here to visit the cupcakes ( ╹▽╹ ). When I went there I saw three beautiful girls in the club one is Monika I new here in my other classes she was the popular girl and beautiful girl in the class. Next is natsuki I don't really know here that much but she does make cupcakes she is also cute!. Last is Yuri they said that she is smart and she makes tea and she has emotions and she has depression that's is sad. So we hear that natsuki wore a poem which I really did not know about but she was way to shy to share them and i heard she read mangas which Is AMAZING. Then Monika got the idea of us all of us making Poem but I did not agree of me joining the club I told them. They were Very sad and I felt bad so I joined. Next day we did the poem and we all shared it. I really liked it. Then next day sayori was a little off she was in depression and she is always sad and I was every confused. Did I do something wrong? The third day I was worried then u saw a note in sayori's poem..

Get out get out get out Get out get out get out Get out get out get out Get out get out get outGet out get out get out Get out get out get out Get out get out get out Get out get out get outGet out get out get out Get out get out get out Get out get out get out Get out get out get outGet out get out get out Get out get out get out Get out get out get out Get out get out get outGet out get out get out Get out get out get out Get out get out get out Get out get out get outGet out get out get out Get out get out get out Get out get out get out Get out get out get outGet out get out get out Get out get out get out Get out get out get out Get out get out get outGet out get out get out Get out get out get out Get out get out get out Get out get out get out

This is never over

Get out....

I quickly went to sayori's house and I said sayori wake up dummy.....there is no reason I gently opened the door....

What the heck...what the this had to be....there is no way it's real.....I can't believe what are my eyes are showing me.....................I quickly vomited.........

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