The Story

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Hello! This was a short story written for my class and I figured I might as well share it! It's not very spooky but just something that I wanted to write. There will be no updates as this is just a small short story. Hope you enjoy!

It was a dark and misty night, there was a light fog on the ground, being pushed around. There were so many people walking past me as I stood outside my house in my tiger onesie. My pumpkin is hanging lightly from my wrist as set off around the street in search of candy.

I don't want to stop at the house on the direct left, he's creepy as anybody I've ever met.

"You're going to visit that man's house and get candy even if I have to force you!" I can still hear my mom's screaming ring through my head. I plan on making a big circle anyways, so I sigh and I turn right. I'll visit the creepy house last.

I'm already sweating, I can feel my hair sticking to the back of my neck. It might be Halloween and misting but my god it's so humid. I push up my sleeves as I climb my way up the first long set of stairs.

"Trick or treat!" I say as sweet old Ms. Lontrier opens the door. She smiles and hands me a packet of candy. Grinning, I head back down the stairs. 1st house done, only about 100 more to go!

I make my way along the long street, stopping at every house with a light on. I live in a large neighborhood with lots of townhouses. My street really participates in Halloween, they're very enthusiastic. Which is good because more candy but bad because more walking.

I pass a group that has some of my few friends and wave. They don't see me and continue talking to each other. I lower my hand, shrug, and move on. They don't really notice me much.

My pumpkin is starting to get heavy as I reach the last few houses. Once I'm done, I can sort and eat all my candy. That's always my favorite part of Halloween.

Finally, the last house, Mr Creepy. That's not his actual name, it's actually Mr Kemper. I just think Mr Creepy describes him better. Nobody has ever believed me when I tell them that something is off with that old dude.

I stare up at the house. It's not a typical creepy house that you would see in a horror movie. It's just a normal 1 story beige house that you would find in any classic American neighborhood.

As I reach the walkway to his house, a "Missing" paper flies by me. How odd, there's no wind. I snatch it out of the air and look down at it. "Albert Narvaez, age 10, last seen October 31 trick-or-treating around Rosedale Court. If you see anything that may lead to finding Albert, call this hotline listed below."

I let go of the paper and it flutters back to the ground. Poor kid, nobody ever found him, the Narvaez's held a memorial at school for him a few months ago. Lots of people were crying during the memorial, he was a really nice kid with lots of friends.

I walk the short path and up the steps, feeling weeds tickle feet as I skirt around large cracks in the pavement. I knock lightly and the door swings open immediately to reveal Mr Kemper's pale face. His bulging eyes and combed over hair just give him an extra creepy look. I'm so tempted to tell him he has a nice mask but I figure that probably wouldn't end well.

"Trick or treat." I say resignedly. Mr Creepy grins, showing his yellowing teeth.

"How nice... Come in Kai, I'll make you a cup of tea, you must be tired from walking around." He says and opens the door more. I hesitate before nodding and walking past him into the house. Mr Creepy closes the door behind me and limps into the kitchen, putting a kettle on the stove to boil.

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