14. He's Not Good for Me

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I wanna hold you when
I'm not supposed to
When I'm lying close to someone else
You're stuck in my head and
I can't get you out of it
If I could do it all again
I know I'd go back to you

It's Wednesday. I didn't have breakfast today. My parents had gone out for their work. I am indeed happy about it. Breakfast was always a pain to me. It was suffocating. I walked towards Cafeteria and took a seat in the corner.

I quickly ate my Beef Shawarma which I had made in a hurry in the morning. After breakfast, I walked towards the classroom. I was still over ten steps away from the classroom door when I saw some heads popping out of the windows to look around.

Having seen me, those heads seemed surprised and popped back in. There was a commotion coming from the class. Then, a sudden strange silence.

I stood three steps away from the classroom door and just as I was about to continue walking, I suddenly stopped and my eyes glanced at the door frame over my head.

As I paused, there was total silence in the classroom, as if they were all anticipating a grand entrance.

I was so unlucky the day before to land myself in big trouble with Anny and her crew. If these people didn't pull a prank on me, I'd be surprised. But I wasn't nervous at all; I just continued to stand by the door.

After some time, sure enough, some unrestrained heads peeked out to check and then, quickly and carefully went back in. Shortly after, the school bell rang, indicating the start of lessons.

The man behind me said in a shock, "Damn! You gave me a scare! Oh, it's you... Ms. Nance..."

Mr. Hemmings was holding a math book in his hand, with another hand clutching his chest. He stared at me face alarmed, looking like he had a bad scare, "It's almost time for class, why're you still standing at the door?"

"I was thinking about my life for a bit. After you, teacher," I politely took a step back.

Mr. Hemmings appreciated my good attitude, "Hm, feeling remorseful now for scoring 0 in math?" He spoke while pushing the classroom door open. Who cares about Math?

The next second, a loud "crash" resounded as a large bucket of water splashed down right on his face. He was immediately soaked through like a drowned rat.

Mr. Hemmings was stunned for a second and then blew up, "I... Damn! I just styled my hair this morning! Which brat did this?! I want a confession, NOW!"

A sigh of disappointment came from the classroom first, then many of them started panicking.

Damn! Why was the math teacher the one who pushed the door open? We're screwed!

Everyone in class knew that you could offend the form teacher but you should never offend this teacher who seemed cheery and easygoing, otherwise, you'd be tortured to death!

Mr. Hemmings wiped the water off his face, "Nobody's confessing? Once I find out myself, then you'll be in very deep trouble!"

After a very long time, finally, three girls and a boy stood up cowering. I scoffed. It's Anny's crew. Those sidekicks will do anything to save their leader.

𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now