the tree (light fluff)

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warning, mention of lesbian porn

I lied in bed all comfy until I heard the unheavenly noise of a chainsaw . I looked up and saw the tree hiding my window from the new neighbours , they were chopping it down. we used to chop down the top and make a bridge for my best friend Lola but after she left I was too sad, so we kept the tree tall and let the bridge rot into the branches. Lola was everything to me, she was my first love and my awakening. we met at kindy and stayed besties till we were 16, its been two years since she left, I felt isolated and alone. she was my biggest supporter and helped me so much, we used to steal her brothers laptop and watch lesbian stuff and id pretend it was us, but she had a boyfriend. i decided to stop sulking over her and looked though the window at the new neighbours. she was so hot and I couldn't look away, she caught me staring as i rolled of my red and under. i sat back up as we was putting up wall décor. i noticed the blue purple and pink flag above her bed. i smiled and flopped back on my bed, she was definitely way better when the straggot peter, my old neighbour. maybe letting chopping down the tree was a food thing, but id need a new bridge ;)

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