A Secret Discovered

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Johnny Lawrence and Daniel LaRusso both have been dating and hooking up since freshmen year. Even Daniel is also friends with Johnny's friends and attends the Cobra Kai dojo with Mr. John Kreese and does Miyagi Do Dojo karate part time. Johnny does the same too because he's always together with Daniel no matter what, like they can't keep their hands off of each other.

That night,

"Where is Mr. Miyagi?" Daniel asked his boyfriend Johnny.

"I don't know" Johnny answered to his boyfriend Daniel.

"It's the fourth or fifth time Mr. Miyagi is gone at nights, I'm wondering what he'd be up to" Daniel said to Johnny.

"Oh or maybe he's on a hot date" Johnny said to Daniel.

"I guess I should've expected it coming after the way Mr. Miyagi whistles like he's in love or something" Daniel said to Johnny.

"I suspect so too, Daniel let's take a drive in town to see where Mr. Miyagi could be at on his date" Johnny suggested to Daniel.

"Ok let's do" Daniel said back to Johnny.

Johnny takes Daniel for a cruise in his hot red Dodge Challenger car through town. They searched through a tons of restaurants in a quiet sneaky manner, until, they finally found a restaurant that they spotted Mr. Miyagi at.

"Is that our other sensei, Mr. John Kreese?" Johnny whispered in Daniel's ear.

"What? Could this be true? Mr. Miyagi is dating John Kreese and is gay?" Daniel whispered back to Johnny.

"Let's spy on what they are saying to each other, who knows maybe Mr. Kreese will sweet talk Mr. Miyagi into hooking up, haha" Johnny whispers as he laughs to Daniel.

"Ok let's spy" Daniel last said to Johnny.

The young boys tip toed quietly and close to over hear the conversation between Mr. Miyagi and John Kreese.

During the middle of their conversation,

"Is that all they are talking about, this is boring, no sexy talk going on and Mr. Kreese isn't what I think he is, ugh! Let's get out of here Daniel" Johnny whispered to Daniel.

After the boys left and back to home they talked.

"I can't believe it that nothing happened between them" Daniel said to his boyfriend Johnny.

"I know same here, the Cobra Kai sensei of all people is a virgin, haha, what a loser" Johnny said and laughs to his boyfriend Daniel.

"Maybe Mr. Miyagi is a virgin too?" Daniel asked his boyfriend Johnny.

"No wonder they talked so boring on their date and overhearing that Mr. Kreese told Mr. Miyagi that he's waiting until marriage, haha" Johnny said and laughs to Daniel.

"It kind of blows me away to think of John Kreese as the virgin type" Daniel said to Johnny.

"We have sex all the time together and no problem with that" Johnny said with a wink to Daniel.

"Maybe John Kreese respects Mr. Miyagi that's probably why he wouldn't put out" Daniel said to Johnny.

"Yeah true, they are older and respect each other equally enough to wait until marriage" Johnny said to Daniel with a head nod.

A weekend later,

Johnny and Daniel both spied on Mr. Miyagi at the movie theaters but get busted afterwards.

"Daniel San, what are you doing here?" Mr. Miyagi asked Daniel while Johnny chuckled into a laugh.

"Hi, what a nice surprise, Johnny and I are on a date too, it's a small world" Daniel answered to Mr. Miyagi.

"I see you both are trying to spy on us but that's ok, we're doing just fine" John Kreese said to the laughing boys.

"Yes, it's ok, a double date is fine by me" Mr. Miyagi the boys.

(A/N: For real, I had to write this one more final Lawrusso story plus adding a unique couple ship of Mr. Miyagi and John Kreese together. Hope you all enjoyed thank you and don't forget to vote, thanks 😀.)

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