The Impact (Prologue)

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It was a sunny day in the cretaceous period and this is where some of the mightiest creatures live

And those are the dinosaurs they were amazing creatures some like compsegnathus hid from bigger dinosaurs while some like velociraptors hunted together in packs and some like tyrannosaurus rex can crush bones just by using their teeth

There were also the more docile ones who were the herbivores like the ankylosaurs who were armoured and only attacked when agitated and then there were stegosaurus who had plates on their back for cooling down their body or for warding off predators such as allosaurus and then there was the majestic brachiosaurus who evolved a long neck to reach the tree tops

It quiet in the forest and a lone triceratops was feasting on ferns but it was quite wary of predators but luckily for her the herd was in a nearby clearing but what she didn't know is she was being watched

Something was in the forest nearby and was slowly making its way towards the female triceratops

Suddenly the female trike was taken by surprise when something came crashing out of the trees

It was a tyrannosaurus rex or t rex for short it was a fully grown male and it had bitten the female trike's front right leg and started thrashing around

This t rex was known as 'king adam' he was the fiercest rex in this forest and he usually doesn't let he prey go to waste so he keeps thrashing the leg while the trike tries to wriggle herself free from his grasp

Adam knew he had to take this trike down before she calls for the others nearby so he flips the trike over while still grabbing on her front right leg

Adam then moved his mouth from the front right leg and onto the neck of the trike killing it in the process

Adam then feasted on his quarry and he wasn't the one to leave his prey there while others scavenged it

Suddenly adam noticed something in the sky it was a bright light but it wasn't the sun

"hold on there are two balls of fire in the sky?" adam asked himself even if he didn't know what the sun was called he knew there should only be one of them in the sky

Adam then noticed that the ball of fire was moving and he was shocked by this since the sun on a regular basis would move but this ball of fire was moving towards the planet

Suddenly smaller balls of fire come crashing down on the land and hit the trees and the trees ignited into flames

Adam would normally stay with his prey but this time he's not going to risk it especially for the fact he knows what fire is capable of doing so with a frustrated mind he leaves the trike carcass

The forest was getting worse this was bigger than any forest fire the dinosaurs have ever seen

The triceratops herd from the plains ran away and the long necked sauropods tried their best to get away but unfortunately for them they were not fast enough

One ball of fire hits a sauropod right in the neck and kills it instantly and the others balls hit the legs of the other sauropods making them fall

Adam was still in the forest running but luckily for him the plain was nearby so he ran towards it and saw a horde of dinosaurs running away from the balls of fire

The bigger ball of fire or the asteroid was getting closer and the sky was beginning to darken with orange and red as the asteroid entered the planet

Even more dinosaurs started dying out even small younglings got hit and the elders as well

Adam didn't know what to do at this point he's never seen a threat this large this unstoppable the asteroid just kept coming and coming

The herbivores were running with the carnivores they didn't care if they were opposite sides all they wanted was to survive this

And then a high pitched bird screech was heard

Suddenly out from the sky comes the guardian of fire the phoenix of flame

"all of you this way!" the phoenix said as she led the dinosaurs to a nearby cave big enough to hold a lot of them

The phoenix looked at the asteroid in disbelief but she knew what she had to do to save this planet and its inhabitants

The phoenix quickly turned to the asteroid and flew towards it

She charged it and crashed into it

A huge explosion erupted from the sky as the phoenix of flame was turned into nothing but particles

The dinosaurs walk out of the cave as they can see the asteroid has been destroyed and they were safe but unfortunately for them their land was nearly destroyed as well while there are a few bits of plants there were not enough sustain the herbivores

"looks like change is inevitable" adam thought


65 Million years has passed since the asteroid nearly hit the earth and the people who live on this planet thought that the asteroid killed all the dinosaurs.....

Well that is until 1945 where it was learned that the earth had more islands than we previously thought and those islands had dinosaurs in them and they have evolved some of them were bigger than their previous selves and they were more social and intelligent that year marked the rediscovery of dinosaurs but these islands were far from civilization so they didn't need to worry about them coming to the mainland

We thought they were gone but they were always there

Author's notes: if anybody is wondering why the phoenix appeared in here if you have read my other story dinosaur train evolution you'd know she is a character in there as well and she was the one who stopped the asteroid and also if you wondering why jurassic park was still made in this universe well the islands that the dinosaurs are on are restricted cause they want to preserve them

See ya next time!

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