Chapter 1 The Horrors.

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The "personal" experience on "Something" The "Something" is the one thing you cannot get rid of, it follows you since you are birthed, it will continue to follow you, and day by day, it grows stronger, the more you resist it and fear it, it grows its fang sharper, its bones harder, its hair oily and it's body strength. Do not attempt removal, it will only add more to your worries, one "Something" is less to worry about than a whole Legion of that "Something". Try to stay calm each day even if you feel that It is watching you, it might just be planning the "Hunt" or simply observing you, Do not attempt to make contact, it will only get worse. The moment you act vulnerable or scared it is no longer able to be seen, it will approach you and "speak" to you and corrupt you, it will persuade you to do things you aren't usually doing, Robbery, Killing etc. Do not fall for its talk. That something is not a Demon, it's something Worse. A Demon is something that has immense power since the start and would do things for the same amount of offers. This Something? It only grows stronger, even far stronger than the Strongest Demons, though slow. You are not in charge here, you are the prey and it's the Hunter. This is only a game to it The moment you fall off guard, The Hunt begins, it will last for five hours and you cannot do anything except defend. What? Do you have strong muscles? A good job? A high paying wage? Well that's good, go ahead and keep your chin up, the worse has yet to come

Do's and Don'ts... The rules.

Watch out for someone or Something, Usually a feeling you never felt before, when you're in school or walking down the street, when you feel something's off, Look around you, something or someone is looking at you, if you do find something/someone that's looking at you, pretend to not see them, Walk to your house and when you see the door, take out your keys and RUN. And if you see... "Something" Looking at you or multiple, close your eyes, hold your chest, listen to only your heartbeat, don't reply to anyone or anything, don't make a sound.

If you do make a sound, run, the faster you can run and escape the better, the moment you made the song, it was alerted that you are aware of its presence, Please be careful. If it does catch you, you'll suffer an Unimaginable pain, one that never ends while it feasts on your flesh, it will grin and mock you while you suffer, That "it", Is the "Wanderer" it doesn't have a place to live, hence its name, it wanders around and when it finds a target, it waits for a chance to pounce.

Either it's the Human Beings you trust being your very enemy or the Horrors that haunt your dreams, Stay safe.

When you go down the stairs of your house and you feel a creak that you usually don't ever feel, go back up, and go into your room, Lock the door and stay for 30 Minutes, The moment you hear that creak, don't panic, you have 5 minutes to go to your room, if you do by chance not make it and couldn't lock the door in time, you'll suffer endless itch and hunger, you will never escape it once you are in its grasp unless you, of course, have eaten before you went down which is unlikely. That is the "Visitor" it is rare but it will test someone's reaction time, it's a hunger for pleasure and entertainment is not something to be trifled with, Stay safe.

When you walk in the Hallway of your house and you feel a sudden cold in the Summer, or a Blast of Heat in the Winter, Go outside, the "Guest" is agitated. you only have 30 seconds to run outside, if you do not, you will enter the State of Limbo, you won't feel... Anything, hunger, thirst, and others... Except for fear, that will be the only thing you will feel, nothing will be able to save you from this uninvited Friend, you can get out of its grasp by saying quickly, "You are uninvited here, Please go ahead and take care of yourself, and come back in the duration of (Time you blurt out), Thank you for your visit!" In a friendly manner, it will come back in the Specified time and demand for an Offer of sweets. Stride Carefully.

If you are home alone and hear your door knocked or open, Do not go near it, use a stick or something long to close and lock it, Grab a weapon, that is not a person if it doesn't speak. ask a series of questions only YOU and YOU have the Answers to... If it can't answer even one of them correctly, they will barge in. This is the "Questioner" nothing is known about this creature as I have not yet felt its wrath.

When going up the stairs, don't look up, it's always watching. Nothing is known yet of "it"

When alone, always and I mean always look around you first, the last thing you want is a Head peeking out of a Curtain watching you while smiling. This is the "Peeker" unknown yet currently... I have not confronted them.

if you hear knocking on your window at night, It's either a robber or your friend, or possibly something else. This is the "Lure". The notes about it were torn apart strangely.

When walking or Jogging in the morning, wear one sock backward, that Something won't bother a thing that already has something wrong with it. The "Observing"... The notes are.... torn apart...?

Even though that Bench or couch feels safe or seems comfortable, think, look around that couch, look for peering eyes or fingers/hands body parts, Never sit on it suddenly. It's the "Sitter"... Again why are the notes ripped apart...?

If you don't remember opening a door, then don't go into the door that you don't remember opening, grab a weapon, the best bet it's only a robber and not "something" Everything is not safe except your room, if you feel like you're no longer being watched and instead, being "Hunted" RUN to your room or anywhere with only one Entrance, lock the door, close all windows and stare at all possible entrances, Doors windows, etc Sometime's your friends are your enemies, that's worse than "Something" Oh and look for roses, if you do find it somewhere there shouldn't be any roses, thread carefully. Hmm.... seems... All the notes were torn apart...? What th-

Chapter 1

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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