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// Inspired by heistrippingballs and mostlyprofessional on Tumblr.

Evening, around 10:00 pm.

The two adults were watching a movie on the couch, after a poor and short dinner.

“Seriously Charlie, couldn't you just pick a better movie?” A feminine voice said, that was Chloe.. irritated, obviously. She can't believe she has to watch the same movie over again, like.. they watched it multiple times already!
“Be glad we're watching something, darling!” This time, it was a masculine voice.. with a high British accent, from Charlie Cutter himself.
“I thought it was nice having an evening only for us, don't you like it?” He continued.

A smile appeared but soon vanished. “Sorry, but 50s movies aren't really my thing.”
Well, sorry. You have to enjoy it anyway.”
“Because it is working so well, huh?” Okay, now she was a bit sarcastic.
“Now, you're being mean, bright eyes. You're gonna pay for that..” As he pushed her shoulder.
Smiling softly. “Oh yeah?”
“Yup, now shut up. I'm watching the movie.”
“Rude...” She mumbled under her breath, while playing with her phone instead of watching the movie.

The next day..

Charlie was worried, no news about Chloe. She should've been at home since a bit of time...
Wasn't she just taking a drink..?
[Text] “Charlie, I'm drunk. Like. A lot. Pick me at the John's pub pls.
[Another Text] “If you don't, you'll have to bail me out from prison..”
[Text] “Be patient Chloe. I'm comin'!”

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with her? It has been a while since she gets drunk.. even too often.

“Jesus, you're really drunk..” Opening the passenger seat for her.
“Ow, not that much. Just drunk.” She maybe was struggling on talking..
While driving, Chloe multiple times tried to play with him. First, she bit his neck that much that it made an hickey. Second, she liked poking his face.
“Chloe, stop!” Charlie said with a real serious tone.
“Aw, you mad?” Chloe teased him. The alcohol really hit her.
“I just don't like when you get drunk this much...”
“It's never funny with you...” She crossed her arms like a five years old.
“Chloe please, don't do it again..” This time, his tone was soft and sweet.. he just doesn't get how she always ends like this..
“Whatever you say...” Rude, must say rude. As much as she didn't want to sound like this, she doesn't need anyone and she hates it when she needs a person with her... Especially now, that was difficult to leave the car.
“Wait..” Charlie got out the car and helped her, putting his arm around her, to go upstairs and inside at their house. Still can't believe how much she was drunk... what if a man just approached h-? Oh no, he doesn't want to think about this.
“You will have a good headache tomorrow.”
“Nothing I can't handle. I had worse.”
“Fine. Call me if you need anything.”
He said before leaving her on the couch, making her lay so she could relax for a bit.. the only sure thing was that she didn't need him and was about to fall asleep anyway.
Indeed, when he came back.. he found her sleeping and took a blanket that was next to her, putting it over her. “Goodnight...”

//This is part you can find on their Tumblr, giving some changes a little bit.. the next chapter will have some inspiration too but with an add of my ideas. Enjoy it! :)

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