Part 1

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Hello ^^ It has been a while but i hope you all havent forgotten about me. Anyways, I hope all of you will like my new creation :3


-My King.

-What is it? You know I asked of you for no disturbance.

-Your Highness... He's here...


Black silk fluttering in wind, gold leafs and vines adoring the sunset skin and pearls hanging around a dainty neck. The sacrificed prince was saddened by the outcome of his soon to be terrible life but no less than ever arrogant. He knew of his good looks and he used them to his upmost advantage.

-Tell me about him, Soyeon.

-I've already told you everything I know, Your Highness.

-With that smart brain of yours I thought there would be something more in there. Pity.

The maid Soyeon lowered her head before the "Unlucky prince" and stepped back. At that same moment a servant came up to the pair.

-This lowly servant greets the blazing sun, the second prince of the Agrigent Empire.

-Where is my dear husband-to-be?

-He has some unfinished business to deal with, I'm really sorry, Your Highness, but it will be only me to greet you today.

-I'm not moving an inch from this spot if he's not the one to escort me. I think those are the only proper manners.


-Go on. Shiu. Go and call him.

The servant turned around with shaky legs and presumably went to call for the king. Or as everyone else would say: "The Bloody Monarch" as he got the throne through questionable means and on the first day of his rule he beheaded all the officials that were still alive after the rumoured massacre that occurred the night before. Those are only rumours but no rumour comes from nothing.

-Y-Your Highness...


-I don't think that was a good idea.

-I think /I/ will decide what is a good idea and what isn't. Also if I die at least I'd like to die early on.

After maybe 20min of just standing and pacing around the sound of shoes hitting the concrete were heard again.

-I heard my "bride" was waiting for me to escort him personally.

-Well if you showed up in the first place I wouldn't have needed to wait for you.

-Feisty aren't you?

-It comes out naturally.

A scoff and a small amused smile comes out of The King. The Prince lets out a sigh of relief after that expression, even though he was ready to die because of his actions, he was still quite hopeful for a better ending. So that little smile was a glimmer of hope for the "Unlucky Prince".

-The nickname blazing sun really does suit you.

-Well I can't say that the nickname "Bloody Monarch" suits you yet.

The moment the nickname left his mouth, The Kings face turned somber. The atmosphere turned cold and eerie.

-Aren't you afraid little one?

-Frist of all, I might not be muscular but that certainly does not mean I'm little or can't defend myself "Big Boy". Secondly, what must I be afraid of?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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