Short Prologue

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I once knew I regained consciousness when I felt grinding pressure on my head. My body felt numb; no blood circulating through it. I let out a breath of air in thought before deciding to open my eyes.
"S...snow?" I tried to speak aloud. My voice was low and quiet, if I kept talking it would fail on me. My words would keep fading into audible to mute which concerned me. I blinked. Why.. why am I in the snow?
I put out my right arm onto the snow to try some pitiful attempt to sit up, I couldn't even feel the coldness of the snow eating away at my forearm. My skin was sickly green and rotten with parts of my bone showing, a large amount of dead tissue was exposed all over my torso and right arm. I mentally gagged.
I let out the air I was holding in my diaphragm and balanced myself on the snow, I was able to sit up. It was hard for me to focus on blinking, breathing, moving... What was peculiar is when I breathed in I don't even think it reached my lungs, despite knowing that I didn't feel lightheaded. I opened my mouth to try and speak again.
"Wh.. where am I? Why am I.... green?" I flinched at my voice. I didn't verbalize English, it didn't sound english to me, yet I still understood it as if it was English. I parted my lips to say something again but to avail nothing came out. I decided to stop talking aloud to try and figure things out and moved onto what was happening with my head.
With my good and healthy-ish left arm I put it up to my head where the pounding pressure was. It didn't hurt but that being said it felt like there was a ton of weight on it. I put my hand down on my head and.... tensed. Half of my skull.. was exposed.. a-and it felt c-cracked..
Am I... am I dead?

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