The Princess without a Kingdom

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Part 1

A long time ago in a village by the river, there was a princess that legend had it that, she may be cursed. She was born in the early '90s to a blended family from the northern, eastern, and western parts of Africa. Her family came from different clans, religions, and countries. Her dad belongs to a royal family from the northern and eastern parts of Africa, who left his royalty just to travel to explore other parts of the world with the hope of creating his own wealth .upon his arrival he married a woman and had nine children's with her. Along the line, he meets Princess Miya's mother whom he fell in love with but never marry her. Princess Miya's mother was born into a very rich family and the princess father was employed by his inlaw who owns a plantation and was into animal farming too.

Miya's mom Michelle by name had four other children and was full of life at that time; she was doing fine until Miya's dad move to a new location of which Michelle could not follow along because her tradition will not allow her to follow a man who has not paid her bride price. Until the man paid the bride price the children live with their mother according to their culture, due to this Michelle became a single mother who had to struggle for herself and that of the children's survival.

Even though she was born into a rich family, the riches disappeared the moment her father dies due to mismanagement by her siblings. She sold her inheritance to raise her children but that got finished long before the children come on age. Miya was raised in one culture even though she belonged to multi-cultures.

She was not entirely welcome into her mom's family and her dad's culture she does not know of it at all as she did not grow up in it. She grows up like a plant that force to sprout between two rocks.

Her life with her father's side got more complicated as they laid a condition under which she will be totally accepted into the family and that is to follow their religion and also bears her father's name. Her rebel against these conditions rendered her fatherless and also, lack basic support from them.

Her life was far from normal as she lives a different and difficult life from that of her peers, she was teased and bullied by her colleague as she looks different in terms of hair texture, skin color, and a totally different accent even though she was beautiful but when you are different you get different look and talks from she navigates in life, her personality hardly gets matched due to this she lives a very lonely and tough life. She created a wall around her that hardly make her socialized or tolerate others. She turns to live alone than to be around people.

After her basic school, she moves to the city to continue, she lacks a lot when it comes to city life, this causes a lot of mocking from neighbors and school colleagues. All these experiences with people really affect her confidence and how to relate with she felt the rejection from every angle, from home to school through to the church. Her only source of joy was the TV.

Growing up with the thought of not having a father or knowing her family culture makes her think less of herself as human.

One night, as she sat lost in her thoughts, she recounted some painful experiences in her life.

That night was very quiet with the moon swallowed by the cloud of which the darkness held a vague terror which makes her painful memories even darker and scary.
Her memories totally took possession of her thoughts and her whole body shiver as she recollects her dark past from where her memory can retrieve.

In that same mood she imagines how different her life could have been if she has a normal family like everyone else. She remembers getting jealous of her peers who have it all together. They have a father of whom they know where he is from, they have a sibling who loves and supports them regardless of their personality but in her case, even her siblings don't like her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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