Inside me

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The only thing I hope is I find my soulmate before it's too late and I give up and lose myself. Everyday, I feel myself getting more and more distant in the darkness and with all my heart I just want my soulmate before all there is darkness and no light to be found, I need someone to guide me out of the abyss of nothingness. In the darkness is just me, I always talk to myself and have many dark thoughts but, they are too dark to share with, these thoughts would definitely have me put in a mental institution if spoken out loud, I will give you a little taste. I put the body on the killing table, the person jolted awake and started whining, wondering why the whole room is completely black. I said, " the room is actually a really dark blue but, you will never see it, I have purposely made the room that color, you will know pain by my hand in the eerie darkness and eventually, I will kill you but, I will take satisfaction starting with your legs first. Cutting them open and seeing how much you bleed. "

Hope you liked the little taste, let me know how I did :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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