Taking Responsibility

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After bonding with the Venom Symbiote, the wheelchair bound Barbara Gordon became a monstrous version of Batgirl, and the two dubbed themselves Darkwing, and Barbara took her revenge on the people who wronged her. She even confronted her old pen pal Peter Parker when she found out that he was Spider-Man, a secret that he hid from her. She found The Joker, and the Venom Symbiote manipulated her into believing that she must do what Bruce was too weak to do.

Darkwing cornered Joker as he nervously chuckled, "who the hell are you?" Darkwing smiled and said, "I thought you would be able to recognize the woman you shot, crippled, and violated! Maybe this should help..." Barbara then revealed her face, and she also revealed the part where Joker shot her, which left a bullet scar on her hip. "Barbara Gordon... Well I'll be damned..." Joker laughed, "one bad day..." He smiled at the brilliant irony of the fact that he helped create this monster. The Venom Symbiote covered her face as Darkwing growled, "it's Darkwing! We are Barbara's rage personified! You're right on one thing though... You will be damned! We're going to kill you!" She then punched Joker in the face, hard. She had her hands turn into knives, and they slashed and stabbed at Joker. Joker attempted to slap her with his right hand, but Barbara caught it. "How many lives have you ruined with that damned hand?" Darkwing growled, feeling great rage at this with the same hand that held the gun that shot and crippled her, ruining her life! Darkwing then bit Joker's hand, ripping it clean off, causing the clown to scream in pain while laughing. After spitting out his hand, Darkwing choked Joker, slamming him to a wall as she lifted him by the neck with one hand, her other hand's claws sharpening. She was ready to kill Joker in the most violent manner possible.

Suddenly, Spider-Man ran in and shouted, "Barbara! Stop this right now!" Darkwing glared at him and growled, "this is our kill! Stay out of this, Spider-Man!" Spidey shook his head and replied, "not today..." Suddenly, a blue and red blur speedily flew in and took Joker from Darkwing's grasp, and The Joker was gone, just like that! Darkwing looked around and asked incredulously, "what?!?!?! Where is he?!?!?!?" Suddenly, Supergirl flew in and said, "SHIELD reached a deal with Arkham Asylum to have Joker be transferred into a newer cell where he won't harm anyone. I put him in custody so you won't kill him, Barbara." Darkwing glared at Kara and growled, "you shouldn't have done that, Supergirl!" Peter took off his mask and said, "Barbara, if you can hear us, please listen to me and Kara..." Barbara allowed the Symbiote to unmask part of her as she asked, "why should I? You always hid secrets from me! And you Kara, where were you when I needed you most?!?!?" She glared at the Kryptonian. "I'm sorry I was never there for you Barbara," said Kara, "I was out in space, and I should have talked to you after everything you endured. That's on me, and I'm genuinely sorry for being a bad friend, from the bottom of my heart."

"And I'm sorry for not telling you I was Spider-Man," said Peter, "I was scared to tell you my secrets because I was afraid I'd lose you the way I lost Gwen... and I know how it feels, to be so angry at everyone that in a moment of weakness you'll allow the darkest creatures to consume you and turn you into a Mr. Hyde... I understand that longing for revenge. But please, I'm begging you, don't kill Joker." Barbara glared at Peter and asked, "why not? Look at what he did to me! He deserves what's coming to him! Wouldn't you want to kill Osborn after he murdered Gwen? Or that burglar that killed your uncle?" Peter shook his head and replied, "you don't understand. I can't imagine a day I didn't want to take my vengeance upon them. But even if I did kill Norman Osborn for what he did to Gwen, it would never bring her back and I still wouldn't be happy. It's as Aunt May said, revenge is like a poison, it can take you over, and before you know it, revenge will turn you into something ugly. And if Gwen were alive to find out what I did, she'd be horrified that I would kill for her... Please don't kill Joker, Barbara. If you do this, there's no going back. You'll be a monster that's no better than Joker..." Kara and Peter moved closer to Barbara as Kara begged, "Babs... if you kill Joker, not only will you break my heart and Bruce's heart and your father's heart..." Peter held Barbara's hand and said, "you'll break my heart. I don't want to lose you, not like this. You're not a monster, Barbara. Please... let us help you..." Barbara got choked up and tearfully asked, "but what about my ability to walk?"

"Barb, I got friends who'll give you your legs back," promised Peter, "if you come with us, I'll never give up on you." Kara gently placed her hand on Barbara's shoulder and said, "none of us will." Barbara wiped her tears and said, "okay... I'll listen to you." But the Venom Symbiote roared, "NO!!! I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS!!! YOU'RE MINE, BARBARA!!!!" That's when the Symbiote took over. Barbara tried to fight it, doing everything in her power to rip this alien off her. As she fought the suit, she cried, "PETER!!! HELP ME, PLEASE!!!" As Peter struggled to reach out to Barbara, Supergirl shouted, "Canary! Now's the time to sing Venom a lullaby!" Suddenly, Dinah Lance, AKA Black Canary, walked in. "I'd cover my ears if I were you, Supergirl." Dinah warned. As Supergirl covered her ears, Black Canary took a deep breath and then let out her signature Canary Cry! The sonic pitched scream was so loud, it caused the Venom Symbiote to screech in pain, weakening its grip on Barbara. Peter was able to find her and said, "Barbara! Take my hand!" Barbara's free hand grabbed on to Peter's hand, holding on tightly. "I've got you!" Peter said as he did everything he could to pull Barbara out of the Symbiote's tight grasp. Dinah continued to let out her Canary Cry, and the Venom Symbiote got weaker and weaker. 2 minutes later, the Venom Symbiote was so weak, Peter was able to get Barbara out of Venom's grasp, freeing her of the Symbiote's bond! Barbara had now lost her ability to walk, and her clothes were tattered and torn and she was barefoot, but she was relieved to be free from this parasite. "You saved me, Peter..." said Barbara as she tenderly touched his face. But their relief didn't last long. The Venom Symbiote roared at all of them, enraged. Supergirl then said, "hey Venom! Chill out!" She then took a deep breath and blew out her super-arctic breath, instantly freezing the Venom Symbiote. Dinah then stopped her Canary Cry. "That thing will be out of commission for a while," promised Supergirl. "Thanks Supergirl," said Peter as Barbara struggled to regain her balance. It was now impossible now that her legs were useless again. She and Peter knelt on the ground, hugging each other. "It's okay, Barbara." Peter said softly, "we're here now..." Barbara then burst into tears, holding on to Peter tightly. Peter hugged back, comforting her as Barbara sobbed out two years worth of pain. Kara and Dinah joined in hugging the crying Barbara, comforting her. After crying, Barbara looked at Peter and said, "thank you for saving me Peter... you're my hero, and... I love you..." Peter smiled and said, "I love you too Barbara..." 

The End.

Taking Responsibility (A Marvel/DC One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now