Police Report.

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"Look, Ms. Evans, we can't help you if you won't give us valid information, or information at all. If you want our help you'll have to answer our questions. We aren't here to judge you or tell you you're wrong. We just need to know how it all went down that day."

I looked up at the officer trying to make me answer his questions "It was a man. He wouldn't let me leave."

I looked down remembering the horrid memories.

"Can you describe the man? Facial features, tattoos, height..?" He tried to jog my memory. I remembered everything, down to the exact outfit he wore the first day I was taken hostage.

"He had dark brown hair, green eyes.. and a tattoo of.. some kind of bird. That's all I remember.." I lied. I didn't want to tell anymore information. I didn't want him to find out I was turning him into the police. If he knew I'm sure he'd kill me.

The officer looked at me for a moment, "Alright. How old were you when it all started?"

"I had just turned 18."

He nodded, "Now will you just give me your name and age?"

"My name is Violet Evans and I'm 19 years old." we finished all of the things we needed to to get my statement filled out. Paperwork, a lot of questions, repetitous crying.

When it was over I walked out of the police station and walked outside. I had no phone, money, shelter, clothes, food, family.. I had nothing.

I walked the streets getting stares. I quikly realized it was because I was wearing a shirt twice as big as I needed it, I lost a lot of weight since the man fed me little, ripped jeans that were also a little big, and I was bruised and beaten to Hell. If I were anyone else I'd probably assume I was a drug addicted prostitute, which isn't all too wrong .The man that kidnapped me forced me to do drugs like heroin, meth, and MDMA and soon enough I wasn't refusing them. He also made me have sex with men for money to get himself more drugs.

I sat on the corner of the curb and just let it all go. I cried and people watched but I didn't care. I finally got up, paranoid that he would see me and force me to go back with him. I looked up and saw some people staring at me. I ignored it and walked away. It was sunset and I had to find somewhere to sleep.

The whole time I walked I was thinking about what the man had said to me just hours after I escaped.. 'If you ever tell the cops, I will kill you and anyone you've ever met. I will kill your family.'

ohkay so I felt like writing a new story bc why not. is it okay?? i dun know..

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