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It was the first year of college. An ocean of people, a humid place, and a noisy atmosphere.

The freshies are searching for their group of friends, the ones they'll probably be with for the rest of their college years.

Luckily, I already found mine. "Ready to go, Hyung?" Taehyung smiles at me, Jimin and Jungkook await for my response. In a haze I nod, and we start walking to our building. The first few weeks are really tiring, especially when you have to immerse yourself in countless interactions. Well, I don't mind these people though. They're bearable to me.

There are so many people. The seniors welcoming giving out flyers, advocating, encouraging. There are so many things to do, so many things to unlock, and so many things to find.

There are so many people, but what I found is you.

Amidst the crazy crowd with voices interjecting here and there, I see you.

You hit the school like a storm. The handsome looks and the built body are only mere things compared to the intelligence you have and your way with words.

You were famous, not just because of your outer appearance but the way you made people feel. Happy, was that it? Adored? Comfortable? Or Loved? that's what they would always say. One even said that you were as calm as the sea on a serene autumn morning.

It's inaudible to me. How did you manage to captivate my heart like this? The simplest things make me flutter. I see you in the corridors or I see you in the field, and I instantly gleam with joy. We've never even talked to each other. Maybe if you consider those instances that we've looked at each other coincidentally, then maybe that would count as an interaction? To me at least.

It's funny too. How you were so admired that on your debate versus another school, the whole venue was packed with your supporters. Once you make a motion to speak into the microphone, cheers surrounded the whole room. I mean, who would expect that on a debate? And who would expect that I'd be one of those cheering too?

Speaking of cheering, I remember when you filled in as substitute when a member of our basketball team got injured. God, the cheer of the crowd when you entered the court was insane, that up until today I still get goosebumps. When all hope was slowly fading, and you swooped in like a fucking hero saving the day.

Telling the team "Trust me." with a voice as genuine and as smooth as butter, as thick as honey. I could drown in your vocal chords.

I guess the sun was in favor of you. As it shone its brightest rays kissing your skin enough to make you golden. Your brown hair proving to be perfect as it embraces the hues of the sun. Your color is my favorite color.

"Look, there's your golden boy." Jimin teases.

I'd never forget that day. Because when you won the game, you won my heart. Again. For the millionth time since I met you. The loudest cheers when you scored that 3 pointer that finished it all, was nothing compared to the heavy beating of my heart. You were amazing. The court filled with cheers and woos while you were carried by the team receiving enough back pats to serve a lifetime. Everybody was clapping, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin who's beside me applauding as hard as they can.

Then I see you, darting your eyes to the seats where the screams come from, and possibly, delusionally, hopefully, you looked at me, didn't you? Like you were curious at what my reaction would be. But I just stood still. Not that I wasn't interested, not at all. I was just captivated. Captivated by you.

I didn't know what took over me. Why I wanted to approach you, or just say something to you. I wanted to congratulate you, to give you a smile and tell you, Wow, you've done it again. I've fallen into you. Once again.

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