The Decripet Ones

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 Rain poured dowen onto the shingles of an old decrepit caben the water seeped through the selling creating a puddle on the wooden floor. The cabin was set in a small clearing surrounded by dense woods and a dirt road leading to a small town, apart from the happy outgoing townsmen the town itself was quite eerie and dark. The town was set in a field surrounded by trees and a cemetery,the towen had houses that looked to had been abandoned for cetries and lawns  that have never seen the light of day the houses themselves had cracked windows, chipping paint  and sunkinn roofs, but the people always seemed happy and comfortable with the condishuns. The cemetary was old and large compared to the  town. There was a lamentable breeze that flooded into the cemetery every second and it didn't help that the gravestones were old dating back to the 17 hundreds, the wording on the graves were faded  and the stones were brittle and collapsing only a few were still standing. There were of course a few new graves dating to 1900-2000. 

Vanessa was a 17 year old who was born and raised in Orient Main with her Mom, Dad, and her younger sister Alex in a small two bedroomed house separated from Canada by a lake, the house was isolated from the rest of the town by trees. Vanessa spent most of her time playing in the woods with Alex, Alex was only a year younger than her so they didn't have much of a difference in conversation. Vanessa had long purple tinted black hair which she let rest on her shoulders, she wore a black long sleeve tucked into dark blue bell bottomed jeans which sat over her black boots. Vanessa headed to Pittsburgh in search of an old cabin left to her by her parents that had moved to Arizona. Curious about the caben Vanessa pulled up the address of the summer home and headed there right away with no second thoughts. 

After driving through the town Vanessa pulled up to the cabin, it was pouring to the point where she could barely even see where she was going. stepping out of her car she bolted to the front door of the caben not even paying attention to the state the place was in. Vanessa creaked open the door taking a step inside, the floorboards creaking underneath her feet the sound of dripping water echoed through the cabin, she reached for the light switch turning the flickering lights on she was able to see the interior of the caben, she sighed has she looked around the old decrepit cabin with its waterlogged selling and streamers of water running dowen the lights it was a miracle the lights evan worked. Vanessa closed the door hering it lock behind her, she whipped her head around suddenly the rain stopped filling the caben with and erre silents the lights flickered off turning the room black. The sound of whispering echoed off the walls creating a cacophony of screams and wales  suddenly a burst of thunder and lightning little up the cabin sillinsing the whisper, the lights flickered on and the door unblocked. Vanessa stood there shocked and confused. The rain had stopped and it was dark outside. She turned around to the door opening it to a long hallway lined with dusty stone and hallways leading further into the dark. She stepped away in auw running through the cabin to find an exit. The windows showed complete darkness. An endless void of melancholy filled the air with a heavy breeze. Vanessa saw no other choice but to walk dowen the long corridor  she didn't bother going dowen the other hallways. The hallway itself was a mazz of endless lopes and doors that led to nowhere. It felt like Vanessa had been walking for hours until she came to a door. Vanessa cushisly opened the door worried about what lay beyond it but yet to her disbelief it was the cabin she stepped inside once more the door slamming be hinder has she stepped forward, she turned around once more opening it to a cemetery where a large stone building stood in the center she looked around reading the graves they seemed normal excepted the time of death and the faket they were all Vanessa's age.        

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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