Before The Choosing

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I remember it well. Lena and I were best friends. We never fought. We had fun. We played. We moved around. Like sisters. But.. I could feel it on the inside... I was going Dark...I tried to push the thought from my mind. It was a perfectly nice, sunny day in June. Lena was still asleep, and I didn't want to wake her. Why would I? So she could watch her best friend leave and never come back? I didn't want to hurt Lena. Ever. She was like my sister... I could never hurt her... I just... I couldn't...

I was running as fast as my legs could carry me. My bag on my back, my black boots clicking as I ran. I was wearing a pink shirt, with a small white heart in the middle of it that day. My skirt was pink as well. I turned a corner, slouching against a wall. I threw my bag down, sitting atop it. "I'm sorry Lena Beana... I broke our promise..." Our promise that we'd be together forever. Too late for promises, I though to myself as I brushed my long blonde bangs out of my face. At the time, I didn't truly care for my hair. Not yet.

Once I finally caught my breath, I stood up slowly. I glanced at the sky, checking for the aligning of the moon. "I've got thirteen hours to get as far away as I need to.." So I picked up my bag again, and started walking. I walked for hours. I ended up in a town called Cherryville, Virginia. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the townspeople. The bitch is in town..

I searched for an abandoned place to stay, one quiet, good enough for me to stay hidden. For just long enough for me to be able to control myself, at least. I found a small, broken down shack. The door was missing pieces, as was the ceiling and wall. I set my bag on the floor, then bolted the door shut, in case someone tried to get in during the Choosing.

Get a hold of yourself.... You're strong... You can and will control yourself for her...

A waited a few more hours, and I knew if was time. I could feel it. I stood up, walking to the window. I stared up at the moon, as tears stung my eyes. "Do it, then! Choose me for the Dark! I know I am..." As if my pointless shouting had actually worked, I could feel my blood turn ice cold. I no longer felt the warmth of my old blood. Not only that, but my mind almost hit a switch.

Kill. Use. Bend. Hurt. Ruin. Torture.

It's all I could think. I slowly glanced to a shard of broken mirror on the floor, and I knew it had been done. What I saw was a pair of golden eyes staring back at me. I had been Choosen. For the Dark.

((Sorry it's so short guys. ;-; I'll make the next one longer, promise!!!))

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2015 ⏰

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