Without pain, there is no gain

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The room was quiet. The rolls on the window were rolled down however, that didn't stop the weak beams of light. They were slowly yet steadily dancing on his face, but surely they were waking him up. 
He groaned a few times before shoving his favourite grey blanket over his face. A new day was starting. "... Are you kidding me?" He groaned once again, before standing up. His room was quite messy. Few mangas and novels were lying around his bed. Akira decided to look around himself in a slow-ish manner. He raised his right arm to look at his watch. Because the room was still dark, he had to focus harder. "7:25. Time for breakfast." With many thoughts in his head, Akira decided to simply not eat. He successfully changed his mind from doing so. "Well, I am not even hungry that much." was the last sentence he said before the apartment went back to the complete silence. However, the silence was soon broken. While he was changing his clothes, his phone rang a few times before hanging up. "C'mon, can't you just wait for a moment?!" Akira managed to shout out while zipping his pants. He swiftly grabbed his coat, keys, a wallet and his phone.  Once he was outside of the apartment, he locked the doors. 
Akira was just standing in front of his doors, looking at the key in the keylock. With anger, he harshly facepalmed himself. What did he forget now? Of course. His backpack with a notebook. 
Once he was fully ready to head out, a quote from Hamlet fell from his mouth. "Listen to many, speak to a few."

Akira was always a sociable man. He enjoyed any friendly company. However, the company adored so much took its toll last year. Of course, it is nothing he would really like to talk about. Sometimes it is better to just forget and not remember. Once he managed to leave the flat, he deeply inhaled. His best friend Matthew Miller was already waiting outside with crossed arms and poisoned face. "What took you so long Akira? Have you forgotten about the lesson we have?!" Akira was grabbed with a cold hand. The weather wasn't nice at all. It was rather cold, gloomy and bland. As if the world were to be destroyed each second. 
While walking down the street, Matthew glanced at him. "So you swing that way?" Akira said with a straight face that was broken by the following laugh of his. "Akira! Not funny." Matthew shook his head while continuing with the chit chat. "So Akira. Do you have time today?" 
Akira rolled his eyes "Are you going to take me to the club again? You know that I don't like loud music." Before Matthew could say anything else, a policeman grabbed their shoulders stopping them. His face was saying a lot of things. From insults to a caring officer talk. "Be aware of where are you going! Don't cross the road here when the traffic lights show red!" 
Both of them nodded it off. They waited, crossed the road and carried on with their chat. "Sorry, what did you say again?" Asked Matthew stupidly. He scratched his back of the head while stopping near a bench. Akira went to a halt and reached with his left hand to the pocket in his pants. He pulled out a cigarette and without another word, he smoothly lit it. He then glanced back at Matthew. "No, it is not a club. We are not going clubbing anytime soon. But, I was talking about friends of mine. They are nice. Would you like to meet them?" Akiro was thinking about his answer. He didn't want to repeat the mistakes he did in the past. He looked at his feet puffing out the warm smoke. "I can't say no, can I?" Matthew smirked and replied with a shake of his head. "You never could.". 
Once they reached the university they both studied at, each of them went other direction. 
Akiro found his favourite seat to be occupied by people he simply disliked. He exhaled and walked to the furthest seat available. The class he was in was one of the larger ones. You could hear all the chit chats, simply because of the good echo. Hence there was no need for professors to have microphones. He pulled out his notebook, papers and a pen. The pen lived longer than anything he had on him currently because it was given to him by his first crush way back in high school. He just simply couldn't forget and who knows? Maybe he never will be able to.

 His professor was an older man probably in his 60s. Akira was and still is surprised that he still teaches. Once the lesson started, he turned on the notebook with ecchi background. But well, Akiro was just Akiro.

In the meantime, Matthew was working with chemical substances. While he was describing the reaction to the professor, he coughed a few times. He wasn't feeling well today, so the professor ordered him to go home and get some rest. While Matthew was heading home, he messaged Akiro. "I am heading... home. I am not feeling well. Good luck with your lesson." Said Matthew loudly, while texting it on his phone.  Once he sent the message, he saw a cafe. Matthew wasn't that type of a man to waste his own time, however, does he have anything better to do?  It really didn't seem so. 

After he found himself inside, he looked for a non-occupied table. He wanted to be there alone for a bit. The Cafe was friendly or that is at least what Matthew thought. And he wasn't wrong. 
After Matthew managed to find such a table, he took his jacket off. He shook with his head to get some of the cold snow out of his hair. They weren't long and nor were they short. 
He sat on the soft armchair, resting his backs. Matthew then reached for a menu with his bare hands. Jazz music was playing. He really enjoyed jazz. It was one thing that made him study. 
When he was younger, he treated jazz as a treat for finishing homework and getting good grades. On that thought, Matthew simply smiled. While he was smiling, a waitress came to him. "Hello! Welcome to our cafe, did you choose anything you'd like?" Matthew looked at her and back onto the menu. "Uhh, I am here for the first time. Do you have anything American here?" The waitress giggled. She walked behind Matthew and leant forwards. Matthew could feel her presence really close. 
Frankly, he enjoyed it. It's not like as if he wasn't handsome. He just didn't have time for such things. But now, he was doubting it. The waitress pointed on a few of the special menus. Such as Americano, Capuchino or a cheesecake. 
"I'd take the Americano and... This doughnut." He smiled handing her over the menu. "Of course, give us 30 minutes." She smiled and with a feminine walk, she disappeared behind the curtains. 

A bell rang. Akiro quickly stood up, put all the important things back to his pocket and tried to quickly get out of the class. Once he was in the middle of the hallway, a stranger grabbed him by his shoulder, stopping him immediately. "What are you doing?" Akiro questioned the stranger without looking at him. "We are going outside." Akiro wasn't that "punching bag". He disliked it. He still can stand for himself, can't he? That is all he could think about in that exact moment. 
Because of that, he reacted with a hard punch straight to the nose successfully breaking it. He then shoved the stranger down and with a bleeding fist he rushed off. 
All things were going well so far, however, this just wasn't his lucky day. A group of strangers were blocking his path. He simply tried to avoid them. Who knew that it would turn up as an unsuccessful try? Once they were in the alleyway, Akiro tried his best to fight them off. Due to numbers, he lost even before it all started. They have circled him, grabbed him by his arms and twisted them backwards. His screams of agony could be heard, but they were quickly muffled by heavy punches to his lower abdomen. He was just not strong enough. Or that was what he was thinking about. He still tried to defend himself. But before he could strike back, one of the people reached for a metal pipe and hit his left hip. Akiro lost his balance and fell on the ground. 
Luckily, they didn't take anything from him. They just wanted to beat him. Nothing more and nothing less. 
While he was lying down on the ground, trying to endure the agony, he fell asleep. In a cold alleyway. And again alone. 

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