Covid fanfic

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Third person
It has been three months since covid's wife left him, covid has been depressed ever since this unfortunate incident. He knows things will never be the same.
He try's to ease the pain in his chest by doing things that he used to enjoy, but no matter what he did he always felt alone and empty. Devoid of all feeling. Numb.
Soon he began to give up on the idea that he can ever be happy again and spirals into alcoholism and drugs. He says that this might be the only way he can ever feel anything.
He felt things when he did this.
He felt everything, but at the same time nothing.
The drugs he was on were only making him feel a allusion of what happiness feels like, but even knowing that these feelings weren't real he still did it. The fake happy feelings were comforting to him in a way.
Of course all your actions have consequences, and covid was no exception. As soon as he started on the drugs he began to start losing himself. He was on drugs so much that he became a danger to not only himself but the people around him. When he was high he had no way of regulating his actions, and made some poor choices. That would sometimes result in, ether, him or others getting injured.
You think this would set covid straight and make him quite but no. He continued.
Sometimes he even felt more when he was injured.
After about three weeks of constant drug using  it was not only having a effect on his finances, but also only his health. You would normally assume that if you take a constant dose of some form of drug there would be consequences, and covid had consequences. His behavior was severely altered, he no longer cared if he hurt or even killed others. He laughed when he kills. He even tried getting into his divorced wife's house once while he was high.
Soon after another few weeks the drugs he took were no longer enough for covid and he kept increasing the strength of the drug, to a point were he actually went to the hospital once.
The police had to get involved with covid, because clearly he a danger to himself and others. They were originally only going to question him. Their had been mass reports of homicide, but they had no clue which claims were false or not.
When they tried to get covid in handcuffs he not only resisted arrest but attacked two of the five police officers and killed one of them, via suffocation. He almost fatally injured one of them by slamming hos foot down in his heart and doing several damage. And fought off the others.
He was desperate, and clearly panicked. He was only one person, in his position he was against four heavily armed, highly trained police officers. the police officers had the advantage here. Covid was panicking and he was going to slip up sooner or later, and when he did- BANG!
A gun shot could be heard and more police sirens were heard.
Covid fell to the ground. Motion less. Blood streamed out of his midsection.
The police officers had called for backup when covid began attacking them, they didn't expect their backup to come so soon.
After about a month, the police managed to dig up a lot of information about covid. It wasn't very hard to find the information, seeing as covid was drug 90 percent of the time and knocked out drunk the other half.
Covids family was shocked when covids death was announced to the public. His life story was disclosed a few days later as well.
This came as a surprise to covids dear, clueless, family. They had no idea that there son was doing his to himself and others.
In the end he was convicted of killing 25 people and harm at least 30. He would have been charged with death anyway, but normally not without a trial.
In the end if he had just gotten the help he so desperately needed then maybe covid wouldn't have been killed and on drugs.


Please if you are in the same position as covid don't do what he did, please go get help. Drugs are never the answer. Remember this was just a random idea I had, so I don't have any personal experience with this kind of issue. This is mean to be a joke

Thank you


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