I've been tagged

44 4 31

So if you can't tell by the cover and this... this... "chapter?" I've been tagged by @Endlessly_Creative13

And I just want to say...



Ok, on with the questions!

#1: Mention who tagged you.

Ma girl Krissy! (@Endlessly_Creative13)

#2: Do you have any siblings?

Yes. I have a little brother. He is 9, but turning 10 in March. I'm not going to say his real name so we're just gonna call him Ethan. (After the one and only Slater)

#3: If yes to 2, how many? If no, do you want any?

Just Ethan. However, if I could choose, I'd want Zirena to be my identical twin. We'd be partners in crime.

#4 Are you 12-14 years old?

Yes. Not saying my age tho. Unless you guys REALLLLLLLY want to know...

#5: Name at least 1 (it can be more) person/people who you recognize when they respond to your comments.

There are a few,


There are many more, this was just at the top of my brain.

#6: (these numbers are a little whack—) What is the last and second last anime related screen shot you took?

I don't— I don't watch anime....

#7: How many hours/minutes do you spend on WattPad a day?

I'd say anywhere from 2-3 hours. I'm probably answering more Wattpad questions then the questions of the math homework I'm doing rn.... I spend at least 2 hours writing and editing. A half hour to an hour answering comments and posting on my community board. And maybe 10-20 minutes reading new updates on stories or checking my stats of my books, or tags for new ones.

#8: Around what time do you do your homework? (If you have any)

I do my homework RIGHT when I come home. So I'd say around 2:00? We get out at 1:30 this year cause if new COVD-19 rules.

#9: Are there any people on WattPad who deleted their account, never made a new one, and now you no longer keep in contact with them?

Not that I know of....

#10: do you have any pets? If so how many?

Yes. I have a cat. Her name is Charlie. She's fat and lazy.

I also have 2 dogs. Their names are Rocket and Groot. (My Guardians of the Galaxy fans know these names)

Rocket is a poodle mix... I'm not sure what the mixes are... but he's definitely mainly poodle. He is around 12 years old. (We not know for sure cause he's a rescue)

Groot is a Plott hound mix. Or full Plott. He looks full Plott— but then again he's rescued too. Groot is around 2-3 years old and LOVES to play with his ball outside.

#11: has anyone ever had a crush on you?

Back in 7th grade, there was this boy. We both always did the school productions together. I honestly really liked him as a friend.... but he liked me as more than a friend... but I didn't... cause I'm Aromatic.... so I acted like I liked him back... worst decision of my life. BUT THANK GOD FOR COVID, we lost contact during the pandemic and now he doesn't talk to me anymore. I NO LONGER HAVE TO FAKE THAT I LIKED HIM.

#12: if yes to 11, tell a story about it.

So one time, my friends LITERALLY pushed me over to him. They told him I wanted to get pizza with him after school. (AND MY FRIENDS KNOW IM AROMATIC...Jesus Christ— this is why I don't talk to that particular group anymore...) Long story short he said yes. So then I'm having a panic attack, like, "oh my god, oh my god?! WHAT THE HELL DID I GET MYSELF INTO?!" So we went, but he took his friends with him. He basically talked to them the whole time and left me alone which made me feel better about myself.

For the next 3 weeks I was being teased tho—

#13: what kind of stories do you read on WattPad?

I mainly read Hamilton fan fics... *cough* Grofflin *cough* and lams... #JOHNLAURENSGAYTURTLESSS

I also read some SpongeBob the Musical fanfics... I may or may not have a thing for Ethan Slater... 😏

I read Miraculous stuff, mainly LadyNoir... some MariChat.

I'm JUST STARTING to read Melanie Marteniez. I LOVE Crybaby.

And other shit that I don't feel like writing cause I'm lazy.

#14: tag 40 people

Wow... that's— thats a lot... I'll do the best I can


Oki I'm done. That like— idk 25 or 26 ppl. I did the best I could.

Those of you who I tagged... I'm
✨S O R R Y✨

Thanks again Krissy for this tag, I had tons of fun doing it!

Remember history has its eyes on you!


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