Making cookies with Sanders Sides

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Pat gathers everyone in the kitchen
"Alright, kiddos, I have a really fun idea!"
"Yeah?" Says Virgil, a bit tired from a long day of listening to MCR and being emo. "Cookies!" "... what?" Says a confused Logan. "We're gonna make cookies!" Excitedly exclaims Patton. "Cookies? Really, Patton, that's your fun idea?" Says Janus. "I know it's not too exciting, but it'll be fun!" Patton tries to keep everyone interested, by cartoonishly pulling a box of cookie mix from behind his back. "Chocolate chip cookies! The best kind!" Patton says happily. Remus, being Remus, says "Can we put deodorant in it?" Everyone else is visibly disturbed by this. "No deodorant, Remus." Says Thomas. Everyone sighs with relief. Roman seemingly entranced by the cookies, says " Cookies!" "Yay!" Patton replies. Logan decides to look up a recipe. "Ah, chocolate chip cookies. Here we are. The first ingredient is-" Virgil cuts him off. "Can't ya just send us the recipe?" Logan sighs. "Sure." Logan sends the recipe to the group. "I'll get the ingredients! Princey, can you get the measuring stuff?" Patton asks. "Sure!" They split off to gather supplies.
They come back with the supplies
"Okaaaay, let's get started!" Says Patton. Everyone starts to get to work. Patton, Logan and Virgil mixing the dry ingredients, while Thomas tries to keep Roman, Remus and Janus from killing each other. "Okay, creativitwins, and Janus, let's go mix the wet ingredients." Remus giggles. Janus gets annoyed at Remus constantly making jokes out of everything. "What is it now?" "Weeeeell- the... wet... ingredients..." the others sigh. "Do you get it? Huh, do ya?" Remus asks, still giggling at his dirty joke. The others sigh. "Okay, guys, let's get to work." Thomas says, trying not to lose it. Then, he looks at the group. Patton and Virgil giggling and eating chocolate chips, Logan singing about Crofters, gleefully, Remus and Roman play-fighting with spoons, while Janus watches, laughing at their antics. "Aw" he thinks "this really was a good idea."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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