Part 1- Characters

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Some characters, you might recognize them from upcoming @InvisibleHoverboard 's story. Credits go to InvisibleHoverboard. The rest of the story will be continuted on InvisibleHoverboard's account. 

Name: Selena (hates being called by her last name [Grace] , don't do it unless you want a knife on your throat

 Gender: Female

 Grade: 3rd year

 Personality: Kind, funny, bookworm, soccer addict, good aim, selfless, hand-to-hand combat is better than Erica

Skills: Hand-to-hand combat, soccer, guns and guns and guns

 Weaknesses: Book addiction, defusing bombs hates gum

 Backstory: Grew up in Canada and was raised by her parents and aunt, met Cyrus at age 2 

 Appearance: Wavy copper brown hair that's gold at the end, black leather jacket, lavender, honey and gunpowder scent, very attractive. Tomboy and does NOT date. Great at going undercover for months at a time, passed CIA test with A+, principal hates her.  

Relationships: Ben likes her. Erica is jelllyyyyy. Basically all boys like her but know her fierce reputation. Part of the Hunters.

Origin: Canadian, mother was kidnapped, saved mom and was accepted into CIA


Name: Sienna Ebony Jones

 Gender: female

 Grade: First year

 Personality: forgetful, finds everything funny, mixes up words a lot(a lot as in that's a personality trait now) , very disgusted by the idea of dating but still ships everybody else

 Skills: cooking, acting, hyper focusing on random stuff, really good aim(basically guns and throwing stuff) and guessing voices, and immediately knowing someone's relationship statuses and partners.(don't underestimate this!!!!!)

Weaknesses: spicy food, heavy sleeper, always late, doesn't like bugs at all, gets lost easily, has a hard time knowing when to stop with the jokes

 Backstory?: stable life i guess, absolutely no traumatic backstory since we're    n o t   gonna cry here, came to CIA after chucking a rock at bullies ( same rock, many heads) , passed entrance exams with C- for extreme swearing, tripping every 5 minutes, and got lost and had to found by a bunch of people after several hours

Appearance: kind of cute but doofy 

Equipment: baggie of tiny bombs, a handgun, and a small camera recorder , and a cell phone (duh), (sometimes keeps a slingshot with some rocks as a joke) 


- AprilShipsEveryone

 Name: Slade Wilson

 Gender: Male

 Grade: Fifth Year

 Personality: Very cold(Even worse than Erica), Doesn't give a shit about respect for teachers, unless he likes you talking to him is dangerous

 Skills: Hand to hand Combat, Close range master, light sleeper, survival skills, expert marksman, REALLY STRONG (But isn't bulky)

 Weaknesses: Social life, Human life, tasty foods(Never had them before) 

Appearance: One bright purple eye, eye patch, unkempt black hair, light stubble on his chin. 

Relationships: Every girl has a crush but is too scared of him (except for Selena), does not give a shit about women.


Equipment: Dual customized Tungsten swords, M25 Sniper, dual AP pistols, MI6 grenadier, ballistic suit, mask with one eyehole.


Name: John Spence

Gender: Male

Grade: Third year

Personality: Football, train, football, repeat. Kind and funny, loyal, great hand-to-hand combat, troublemaker smirk, bad boy and football champ.

Skills: Good aim, hand-to-hand combat, tackling

Weaknesses: ADHD, respect for Slade, hate for Elaina

Appearance: Bad boy, troublemaker smirk, mesmerizing grin, green eyes, ruffled, never brushed brown hair.

Relationships: Hot, girls swoon over him but never get the chance to ask them out cuz then they'd be in the hospital for 2 years and a 1/2.

Origin: Texan, was accepted into CIA after taming a bull and saving Ben. 

- dumbdumb2020


please stop spamming weird stuff onto here


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