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Lyra is scared and nervous about leaving Jordan, where it's all she's known her whole life.

Lyra struggled as she attempted to close her luggage completely, she was only packing up all of her possessions. She tried to do it slowly as if to prolong her time there aided by her nervousness. She finally got it shut snapping the clasp into place shutting it tight, Lyra glanced around her shabby room at Jordan college one last time.

She then sat down upon her bed, which creaked with the old springs from the excessive use and it being old and handed down.

All Lyra knew was Jordan college, this room, the rooftops, the gyptains, the scholars, and Roger. Her best friend, they had spent all day yesterday together in order to say goodbye properly.

Lyra still found it unsettling and unfair that she had to leave Jordan suddenly, it had been all she had known.

She had thought it was her home, but with circumstances, she couldn't change it was time and better for her to go.

There was a soft knock upon the door before it lightly swung open. It was Charles the librarian, his face contained a soft warm smile however he tried to hide his own sadness at the situation. Charles had grown close to Lyra, having taught her various lessons and helped raise her to a degree alongside Dr. Carne the master of Jordan.

"The car has just arrived, are you ready?"

He asked softly, trying not to be emotional as he had to let go of the little girl who would lock him into rooms to run off from lessons, swipe dessert when they weren't looking and would wage war and cause excitement and mischief in the college.

"I'm all I have to go?"

Charles sighed, he should have known it would have been like this. Charles entered the packed up bedroom walking over to Lyra upon her bed and sat next to her in comfort.

"I believe so Lyra"

"But Jordan's my home" Lyra exclaimed, saddened and frustrated that her whole life had suddenly shifted and now she was to leave Jordan.

"And it always will be, however, we both now know there is a place where you truly belong"

They had told her the truth after Dr. Carne had finally gotten somewhere with his digging into Asriel's past. She had been told, her uncle. Had lied. Her parents hadn't died in a zeppelin crash, they were alive. Her Uncle was her Father, she had a mother. A mother.....a mother Dr. Carne had contacted in curiosity only to find that she had no idea where Lyra had been all these years and that she had wanted her. When Dr. Carne learned this, he had shown the woman photograms of Lyra. The woman was overcome with unsaid emotions as she explained that in her past she had made some mistakes. In Asriel's trial, she had surrendered custody of Lyra, only for it to be all over and to regret it. She searched high and low, struggling to amount to some kind of power to desperately find Lyra and get her back. She swore she would have been there for Lyra. That was when he realized that he had to do what was right for Lyra. Asriel didn't want Lyra, this woman. This mother did. So Dr. Carne decided in order to do what was best for Lyra. She would be reunited with her mother.

Lyra held her head down, Pan sitting up on her lap both sullen with their head down. Lyra attempted to hold back tears, Charles placed his hand upon Lyra's shoulder to comfort her.

"Are you ready?"

Lyra then silently nodded her head as she slowly stood up from her former bed, Pan jumping off her lap onto the floor as Lyra reached for the handle of her luggage.

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