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Ayami's pov: I was in pain I was shot in the shoulder not to mention I have asthma and it had to show up at that exact moment I was suddenly knocked out how did it end up like this

3 hours earlier

I was walking with my big brother tatsuki and we went home to find our mother and father on the ground in a pool of blood

I covered my mouth in horror my brother was wide eyed and shaking he had a gun to his head men wearing black suits

"Come with us or your both dead" they said I wasn't going to let them "ayami run" he said I ran as fast as I could but I got shot in the shoulder

Back to now

I opened my eyes slightly to be in an unfamiliar place where am I looking around I got up and heard an alarm my instincts told me to jump

I was attacked by robots and I wasn't hurt though I felt instinct kick in I used my fighting ability and I made a diamond claw

Where did it come from it just appeared out of nowhere and as soon as it was over it disappeared I need to leave this place right now

1 year later

I don't know what happened to my brother but I'm determined to find him I don't seem to have any asthma anymore in any case I will do everything in my power to not use these abilities in case of emergency.

I was in the park reading a book I saw kids playing around I then got a flashback to when me and tatsuki used to play in the park

A tear rolled down my face I got up to leave I was in a field I felt danger I dodged it "oh so your the new cyborg" I could see a cyborg no two cyborgs

They looked like twins I wasn't about to let them catch me I used my light flash ability to blind them I got away with acceleration mode But little did I know that others saw the light as well

009's pov: I was heading through town and I saw a bright flash of light I used acceleration mode and ran to see there was a huge explosion

It made a hole in the ground I saw footprints and followed them I saw a guy with black hair and red eyes smirking at me

I have a bad feeling about this there seems to be another one except it was a girl with red hair and red eyes they seemed like twins

"Die 009" they said and started to attack me I couldn't sense their movement they were teleporting so fast they hit me in all directions

"Stop that" I turned to see a girl with black hair and green eyes she was wearing a uniform just like mine except it was a purplish color

I saw her eyes turn golden as she disappeared "acceleration mode!" She's a cyborg she seems to be faster than those two

She beat them and threw them in the ocean she got weak kneed and passed out on the ground "hey are you ok hey" she was breathing heavy

"Guys come in I have a situation here" 002 (aka jet link) was the first one at the scene "so what exactly is the situation 009"

He then saw the girl in my arms "oh who's this" he said taking a closer look at her she groaned in pain "she's a cyborg"

"009 what if she's dangerous she could attack you" I shook my head "she saved me from the cyborg twins why would she attack me."

"Brother" she said in her sleep "oh geez fine let's go" we headed back to the dolphin the others weren't back from patrol 003 was the only one there at the time

"Oh she looks gorgeous" 003 said "and you say she saved your life 009" I nodded she smiled "well thank goodness she was there to save you" yeah thank goodness

Ayami's pov: I was on a hard surface I opened my eyes to find myself in a very unusual place my head hurts I heard a sliding noise

I turned to see a girl with blonde hair and green eyes "oh it seems like you're awake here I have some food for you 006 made it for you"

"..." She doesn't seem to be dangerous "006?" She giggled "we are cyborgs we all have numbers" I tilt my head in confusion

I revealed a word on my neck "I don't have a number on me they called me ace the word on my neck is proof of that I use my real name ayami"

"Oh I'm 003 my real name is francoise" I bow to her "nice to meet you" I tried to get up I felt a pain I instantly fell "ow" I said grabbing my head

"You still have to relax your exhausted" I slumped onto the floor clutching my stomach in pain "my body feels like it's been hit by bullets"

I tried again to walk "I'm grateful but I need to get going now" she frowned "I really think you should rest still" I shook my head

"I have to find my brother no matter what I'm determined to find him" I said with a serious look in my eyes I was about ready to walk out

When I knocked into the cyborg from earlier "oops careful now" he had brown hair and brown eyes "shouldn't you be resting right now" he said concern on his face

"009 I was trying to tell her that but she wouldn't" 009 wait his face It flashed in my mind he had the same face as my brother except he had black hair and blue eyes

"I was just leaving" he smiled "are you sure?" My stomach growled I turned red in embarrassment "c'mon let's get you some food you can meet the others while your at it"

To be continued...

different type of cyborg (joe shimamura Aka 009 love story cyborg 009)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat