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     The wind whistles through the trees bringing the moons clarity. The sound of leaves being crunched as a man with dark red hair stepped on them slowly through the woods. He looked to be at least in his late 30s. A 50-caliber rifle wielded in his hand, the man wore an all out camouflage outfit with a camouflage back pack. He pointed the gun down at the ground ahead of him while in a position to aim and shoot any chance he gets. He slowly turned around as he heard something crunch in the trees behind. He quickly turned the other way with a sudden urge to lift his rifle, but nothing was their as he looked down the barrel in the direction. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

    The man just lost his three friends in the woods. He was shaking rapidly from the thought of what just happened to them.

     "Hey guys!" Ryan Cletus hollered as he came up to the campsite where his hunting buddies supposedly where. "I got supper!-" he ranted as he carried a satchel he made out of the deer he killed. He wouldn't look much like it, but he was a strong guy for his size and a smart one at that. As he got nearer to the campsite he realised something was off. The fire was no longer blaring like it would, but instead it was fading slowly. It produced only enough light for Ryan to see what assumed to be blood. He went quiet really quick.

     He laid down his deer satchel and pulled his back pack over his side while still clinging to one arm. He slowly reached in and pulled out a flashlight, he clicked the button located at the bottom. Nothing. He banged it against his palm, he tried again. Nothing once more. He didn't have no batteries to replace with, so out of the only thing he had left, he pulled out a green glowsticks and shook it. It didn't produce much light, but it produced enough for him to see the blood. His eyes widened out of shock. He stepped closer to the blood and realized it lead into a trail.

What the hell happened here~

     He thought to himself shaking out of uncontrollable fear. He looked back at the blood trail and took a deep breath and released heavily regaining his mental state to push back up any courage he could gather. He looked around the campsite to see the three tents where damaged. Ryan came across one tent that was still barely together. Once he cornered the tent he seen a three symmetrical Slash mark in the side of the tent leaving it where u can see into the tent somewhat, the other side was fully ripped open. As he entered the gashed open side he nearly threw up. He grabbed his mouth with his hand to prevent such. On the inside, the tent was covered In blood and guts hanging every where. Laying in the middle was Alex's body semi-severed and gutted.

    Ryan felt hot tears start to slowly roll down his cheeks. His lips started to jitter as he slouched and put his knuckles in between his teeth. He shook his head attempting to shake off his fear. He looked around the tent finding a flashlight, he clicked the button. It worked. He sighed happy he found something that worked, his only glowstick was dying. He gripped the flashlight in his hand and searched some more. Ryan was looking for the vehicle keys. He then realized Alex would not be the one who had them, he remembered Harry would. He didn't find anything else on Alex. Ryan got out of the tent, he pulled his gun off of his shoulder and held it In his hands while grabbing tape and taping the flashlight under the berral to help give light. 

     Ryan looked down the barrel furrowing his brows slowly lifting the left one into a intimidating look of confusion. He looked back down at the ground slowly walking on top of the blood trail. It ended. The trail ended with a large puddle of blood. Ryan slowly lowered his gun and looked left and right to get a good look at his surroundings. A sudden wave of fear came over him as his heart stopped and sunk into his chest, he felt a drop of liquid touch the top of his hand. He looked up. There above him was Harry. Ryan stepped back a step and pointed the gun up at his now demolished friend. He felt the vomit slowly come up to his chest as the sight before him was disgusting. There before him, Harry's guts strung across the trees like party paper at birthday parties, and in the middle. Harry's body, lifeless in the pose of a starfish. His body was impaled on the trees stems and twigs.

     Ryan started to tremble and his breath was getting heavy. He was slowly backing up until something no someone grabbed his shoulder. He turned around pointing the gun in the direction shaking with his finger on the trigger, he was about to scream from the fear until he realised it was nick. Nick was slouched down to the ground blood dripping from his forehead. He had his right index finger pressed against his lips gesturing 'shhhhhh'. Ryan gulped blinking rapidly his blue eyes in shock. Nick's left shoulder was gashed open the whole left side of his body was covered in blood. Ryan realized Nick wont be able to use his shoulder right now or much in that case never. The bone was was popped from the socket, the damage reflected all the way back to Nick's shoulder blade, his shoulder blade was popping out of place.

What happened to him...

     Ryan thought to himself as he looked at the damage Nick's body has. Nick was shaking but he still had his finger against his lip. His eyes where red and semi-closed from crying. There where tear stains on his cheeks. Blood running out of his left nostril and from his left eye socket.

    "Hey..." he said calmingly but shaky at Ryan. He slowly stepped closer and put his hand on Ryan's barrel lowering it the ground. "Its ok man..." he reassures him. Ryan blinked rapidly once more coming out of his trance and hugs Nick, but dodged hurting his shoulder more.

    "What the fuck happened Nickolas..." Ryan blurted out shaking.

    "I don't know... Ryan... I was asleep in a tent awaiting your arrival... I woke up when..." he stopped looking over in a daze of fear and shock of what happened. "When..." he continued as a hot tear fell down his scraped cheek his dirty blonde hair glistening in the moonlight. "I heard Harry screaming choking on his own blood... and this nasty sound of the monster crunching through his bones... I got out of the tent carrying my shot gun and as I'm looking around a blood trail lead off... I faintly heard his screams, Alex jumped out of his tent, I told him to stay here and wait for you to get back. As I followed the trail there it was..." he trailed off. "Displaying his body" he said sniffling roughly clenching his eyes. Ryan pulled him into a strong hug with his free arm.

    "The monster seen me and before I could think about running... I froze I was horrified, it swatted me against my shoulder destroying it... I guess Alex didn't listen and he followed me... he shot the beast in the neck taking its attention off of me and chasing him... I don't know what happened then I fainted..." he stated in shock. Ryan opened his mouth as if he was going to reply but a large stick breaking stopped him and put him alert. Nick turned around and looked up into the giant spruce tree, there two red eyes in the dark appeared down at them.
Ryan could hear the hitch in Nick's breathing. The eyes then retrieved back into the darkness, they heard a large thud behind the tree, Ryan and Nick stood there in instant shock watching the dark brush move harshly as the beast trailed within them. The beast stepped slowly, one step at a time crushing whatever was in the way.

Then their eyes came upon this black gap in the bushes where the red eyes appeared. The beast let out a growl like chuckle sound. It's head slowly appearing from the dark abyss stepping it's right foot out, the thump made their hearts drop. It looked them in the eyes, they could feel the red monster looking into their souls. It squinted its brows and turned its head a little to the side revealing its jaws into a crooked smile carved into its cheeks. The beast lowered its chest opening it's forearms spreading it's claws apart it shook its head with a loud howl like sound that went into a heart piercing deep screech of a woman, the beast's neck shook as if it where not even connected to the it's bones. It's mouth was wide open as it ran towards the two men with a growling screech.


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