Chapter One: A Sour Meeting

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“Ughh shutt upp…”

The plump man reaches his hand over to the taco alarm clock. He gets up out of his queen size bed, draped with ketchup covers. His platinum blonde hair droopy from the lack of hair gel. He walks over to his closet, his grease stained nightgown swaying by his feet. The white doors are opened and his whole closet is revealed to be filled with black collared shirts with flames. 

“Which one should I wear today..?”

His eyes flicker over to a black collared shirt covered with rhinestone flames. He takes the shirt off the hanger and grabs a pair of black cargo shorts. Guy Fieri walks over to his bathroom and starts to strip out of his nightwear. He opens up his shower curtains and steps in as the water starts automatically. The shower speakers start playing Wap by Cardi B, the sound up at full blast.

“I said certified freak...Seven days a week, Wet ass pussy…” As the music was going Fieri started cleaning up and down his body with his burger scented body wash. After he does his shower routine, the water turns off and he grabs his towel off the rack and steps out of the shower. He starts drying himself off and starts putting on his clothes. Walking up to his sink, he grabs the hair gel and starts spiking up his hair. 


Guy walking out of his bathroom, checks the time.


“Oh shit! I’m going to be late for my new fucking job already is I don’t hurry up,”

Guy grabs his car keys and runs out the door. He walks over to his black tesla, the side having ‘FlavorTown’ engraved on the side of the driver’s side door. He jumps in and starts revving his juicy engines up and blasts out of his driveway. On the way to his job, he stops at Tacobell and orders a meal box for the day. I can’t believe I got fired from my stupid tv show…hopefully my new job goes nicely, after all I have impress the person I have to take care of. 

Guy drives up the driveway, admiring the pearly white mansion. He gets out of the car and walks up to the door. 

                                                                                                                                                                        Ding dong! 

The door opens, “Hello, you must be my new caretak- GUY FIERI?!?!”

Guy’s eyes widen, 

                                                                                                                                                               “GORDAN RAMSEY?!”

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