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Little Mushroom Fanfic

A lot of things have changed.

The Earth that was born after the creation of the sun experienced the life and death of its fellow inhabitants, watching as eras of jovial prosperity and interminable death play on a big screen. It has always been silent, counting the stars at night, seeking the farthest eternity of the universe while cradling the little children to sleep wishing them good dreams.

It has always been like that.

The time before life was created... and the time life has ended. The universe remained motionless like a crib for the newborn stars and graves for the exhausted gases.

Still, a lot of things have changed.

Without the Earth's magnetic field, the seemingly harmless sun rays of the past become something that people will subconsciously avoid. A few seconds of exposure is enough to burn the skin, half a minute to have a third-degree burn, and over a minute to start mutating.

More minutes or so, nobody knows if it was the burn hurting them or their body that is slowly changing shape. After all, even if they manage to fix the Simpson Cage or build a better machine to hold unto the artificial magnetic field, nobody could fight one on one with the universe.

We are just a speck of dust in this seemingly infinite world.

However, despite the drastic condition the world had become, this kind of condition is only limited to fragile beings. For the other living creatures, though the exposure could still cost them some genetic mutations, it wasn't critical that a minute of exposure could cause an adverse effect.

What's more, those who weren't exposed at all will remain in their natural form and existence.

A shade of the tree is not enough to cover the ground but it could at least house a sleeping little mushroom. Mottled blotches of light managed to pass through stinging the ground with a light hiss. Yet, this did not disturb the breathing mycelium.

Other than the few patches of scorched grass, thin silky white strands were spread out like webs silently taking the little nourishments left. The small biomass thrived to gather whatever it could retrieve while the body host is just lazily lying under the sun.

An Zhe did not seem to worry that he will dry out. His lightly moving chest and soundless snore brought up a fluffy image as though he is sleeping in a king-sized bed. Not even the prickly grasses brought him any discomfort.

This is the scene that Colonel Lu Feng caught.

Holding a pink umbrella that contrasted his ashen clothes and black boots, the colonel sternly looked at the sleeping creature wondering if all of his worries are for the naught. The image of the youth did not seem to fit this world at all.

It is true, as Polly said, An Zhe came into this world as if just to watch the world perish...

Like a god...

Lu Feng entered the shade and intended on closing the umbrella. But upon smelling a fragrant scent of a mushroom being cooked, he then changed his actions placing the umbrella beside An Zhe to at least block a few rays. He did it so silently while keeping watch unto the youth's mycelium.

The subject at hand did not mind the movement of the passing wind. Lu Feng chuckled lightly as he sat down beside An Zhe and leaned unto the tree. He glanced at the person beside him and could not help but to grin for a while.

The silly face of An Zhe did not really fail to amuse him.

Leaning closer to give a small kiss, the colonel remained in a hovering position, inspecting An Zhe's face. Unlike the vulnerable skin of the humans, An Zhe's skin has a soft touch and a bit jumpy like a porous material that will leak water if you pinch it.

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