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Morning beautiful ♡

Brett felt himself fill with energy and a smile widen on his lips seeing the little, light blue post-it note stuck to their bathroom mirror. Every morning before his early morning shift at the coffee shop, Eddy took the time to write a note to brighten Brett's day. It worked every morning.

He took the note from the mirror and brought it back to their bedroom, reaching under his pillow to grab his special book. The book where he stuck all the post-it notes.

After flipping through a few pages, smiling fondly at the hundreds of notes he had collected from their bathroom mirror the last year. It started when they moved in together, the first day Eddy was heading to his café job for the first time.

"I don't want you to go," Brett had said the night before, snuggled into Eddy's safe arms. Eddy's hand had searched for his in the dark, letting their fingers intertwine once he found it.

"You know I have to, but it won't be forever. We just have to make it through this rough patch," Eddy comforted him, attempting to press a kiss on his lips despite it being pitch dark, but ended up hitting the side of his mouth instead.

"I'm gonna miss you, though," Brett sighed, letting his hand gently run along Eddy's face.

"I'm gonna miss you too, love."

Can't wait to hold you tonight ♡

The words of the note of the day echoed through Brett's head as he tiredly, but quietly entered their little apartment after a long day of teaching kids how not to sound like dying cats when playing violin. Why did they even come to lesson if they didn't want to learn violin?

The faint scent of some dinner Eddy must have cooked up earlier in the evening caressed his nostrils and made his empty stomach growl. He got his shoes up and neatly placed on the shoe rack, tiptoeing through the obviously newly cleaned living room and into their tiny kitchen, which was spotless like it always was when Brett got home.

He got the plate of food waiting for him in their second hand microwave they had gotten when Eddy's parents were getting themselves a new one. It was very noisy, and Brett hated using it when he got home, worrying he'd wake Eddy. The idea of warm dinner was far too tempting, though, and Eddy had assured him it was fine.

After eating the food, which honestly was amazing considering how tight their food budget had been recently, Brett got himself ready for bed as quietly as he could before sneaking into their bedroom to get some rest.

Eddy was already out like a light, as expected, but still stirred slighty to wrap his arms around Brett as he snuck under their shares duvet.

"I'm sorry I didn't get around to clean the bathroom today," Eddy sighed sleepily against Brett's ear, barely half awake. "I'll clean it tomorrow. I'm sorry."

"Shh, don't worry about it, love, you're already doing enough. Thank you," Brett whispered, kissing him softly. Eddy grunted in his sleep as a reply before drifting off again.

Gonna miss you today ♡

"I'm gonna miss you too," Brett sighed as he glued the post-it in his book before leaving the book on the bed and running off to work.

It was tough never getting to be with his boyfriend while awake anymore, and he knew how hard Eddy was working at this job he didn't particularly like to keep them afloat. It seemed to wear on him, but he kept insisting it was fine, that he was happy to do it for them. It made Brett's heart skip a beat thinking of how amazing his boyfriend was.

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