it needs a lit of editing because I mixed two stories, i need to merge them now

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Prologue - 

The sound of the rusty chains and the smell of the salt water. That’s always how the nightmare started. Through small eyes, the little girl looked up at the large men around her, leading her to the tall platform where many others were also waiting to be sold. The voice of her father rang in her head as his words echoed. He sold her to pay off his debts and, while she didn’t completely understand what was happening, she knew she was in a danger she had never been in before.

    Almost like she floated over to the platform, she was on is faster than she had anticipated. She looked down at the crowd of men who all were garnished with seemingly expensive garbs and shiny jewelry adorning their hands and wrists. One man in particular caught her attention; he was wearing the most jewelry of anybody and his cold, dead eyes stared into her own. It felt like she was staring into the soul of a devil. 

    As one more chained man was brought up next to her, the bidding began. The auctioneer made his way down the line until finally he stood with her and quickly the crowd was bidding more than they had for anybody else. It seemed like she was the most sought after. THe little girl was confused by this; she was on 5, why would anyone want her? She couldn’t work like the men and didn't know how to cook or clean.

    After what seemed like hours, a deep voice boomed out of the crowd, “350!” 

The crowd grew silent and looked towards the man. It was the man who had been looking at her so intensely when she was first brought up. 

    The dream always fades away as she is brought to the man and he is given the chain leash attached to her cuffed wrists. The last thing she sees is the large, horse drawn carriage with the door open for them. In it is a little blonde boy whose eye match that of the man leading her to her new life.

Chapter 1 - 

Sweat rolled down her forehead as she bolted up in bed and her chest was heaving after recalling the contents of the dream. She had it frequently, so she wondered why she was always so scared when she woke up.  That man that had bought her so long ago had given her to his son as a present. 

The little boy was sadistic and cruel to her but in the process had conditioned her so well that she was like his well trained dog. As he grew up he only became more cruel to her. The things he made her do grew more explicit in nature and she was only allowed to speak with him at the threat of having her tongue cut out if she broke this rule.

Though she did not wish to love him, she had no other choice. The thought of being in a partnership with a man whom she did not love plagued her mind, so she chose to believe that she loved him. If she did not wish to be with him it wouldn't matter anyway. He would never let her leave his side. He needed her just as he had convinced her that she needed him. 

An underlying want to escape was always inside of her broken self; she wanted to be free and taste the sobriety of a normal life again. However, she had tried in the past to break free but was taught a quite strict lesson on what might come if she were to try again. 

Depression was a daily struggle in this particular path of life but the easiest one of her hardships to take care of.

This man whom she had been enslaved by saw things differently, or at least she hoped. She hoped that he truly thought what he was doing was good for you and him, not just a way to play his sadistic games. That he wasn’t just an evil boy and that he really did love her. He surely saw that all the things he did were out of love and she was his one and only, right? 

But things aren’t always this easy. She soon found that he had been drugging her to keep her docile. To keep her with him. After a time of trying to remember what she even knew about the life around her, she found that every time she tried to think of where this mansion was or what his name was, she wasn't quite sure. The memories were very dizzy and blurred in her young mind. Still, she hoped that these realisations of his actions were nothing to worry over and that he did everything out of affection for her.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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