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Kodai floated aimlessly, holding back his tears even though he was long out of earshot of Oriane. Once he realized where he was, he realized he was in their shared place. Looking at it with disdain, he began floating away, far off to the mountains where he used to live. His body covering itself within a golden smoke as he transformed, his black scales glistening and his white fur blowing in the wind.

His horns continued to glow before they began to spark a small explosion following after, Kodai flinching in pain and his body began to drop in altitude. Eventually crashing into the ground he laid there for a moment before he shakily stood up, blood slowly starting to pool from his head. Kodai ignored the injury and began to instead walk back to his old cave. This was different from the one he was raised in of course, that one was back in China. But it was home. Struggling slightly over the ledge at the front of the cave, a deep and low sigh of effort left him once he made it over. Looking at all his old books and possessions he felt a deep anger build up within his core. His face contorted into a broken anger as he roared loudly, his bellow ringing throughout the forest nearby. A blue glow began to form in his mouth before he breathed his ice blue flames, tears falling down his face. His horns began glowing again before another spark another small explosion happening as he fell to the ground. Kodai weakly crawled to the farthest and deepest part of the cave, curling into a ball as he silently cried.

The dragon had fallen asleep crying, slowly opening his eyes as they adjusted to the morning glow of the golden hour. Glaring at the light he flicked a claw, casting a spell over the entryway to make it at least dimmer throughout the day. "What have I done..." Kodai murmured to himself. A sudden throbbing in his head forced him to hold it out of pain, his memories that had been locked away so tightly were resurfacing. Beginning with the very first one, the memory of his family's murder. Kodai sat in silence before he began crying even more, emotions flushing over his face as he hid himself in his own curled body.

For weeks the dragon stayed in his cave, not even daring to move to eat or drink. He was breaking down again...


Kodai weakly stood up, a golden smoke surrounding his body as he transformed back into his human form. Well, mostly human. His tail swayed softly as he undid the spell at the entrance. He looked thin and unwell, but there was a small gleam in his eyes, he hadn't moved for at least two weeks. Weakly walking to the entrance he allowed the golden dew morning to tickle his skin as he closed his eyes. Taking a deep breath he stood at the edge of the ledge before, looking down.

He fell.

And fell...

And fell........

And then he flew.

His body had quickly transformed and as a dragon he soared through the skies of the morning. The dragon's long body doing loops and hoops, twisting and turning as he flew higher and higher, breaking above the clouds. And he stayed above them for a moment before gravity began to drag his body back down to earth, and he allowed it to. Transforming back into his human form in another puff of golden smoke he began to slow his descent, floating to stand on the tallest branch of the tallest tree.

"One day." He spoke.

"One day, I will get you back my Miss, my love Oriane."

"One day..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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