Long Time, No See [1/2]

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 (Illustaration by fawefgw on Pixiv)             

The screeching of the rail pulls (Y/n) from their slumber. The train they sat in was slowly coming to a halt. An announcer broadcasts their location while bleary (e/c) eyes work to regain clarity. A yawn releases from the trainer's throat as a (s/c) hand moves to massage their neck from the soreness of lying back throughout the ride. In a half-conscious state they manage to grasp their luggage, rolling it along the thin rug of the transport and lifting it pass the gap between the train car door and the station floor. The cool air-conditioned atmosphere of the station works to rouse them as they take a moment to stretch in the center of the terminal. With a hum of satisfaction, (Y/n) swiftly checks the time on their Rotom Phone before quickly exiting the building. It's been a long time since they'd been here...A long, long time.

The dim light of the evening sun illuminates the cobblestone streets of Wedgehurst. The sounds of banter from townsfolk and the chirping of Rookidee bring back memories, some insignificant but heartwarming all the same. The sparse lighting of the overhead lamps speckled the town in white and the fluorescent glow of open businesses show just how much the place has grown. It was very interesting to see how much change Galar had been through since the time they had moved away. Though, what (Y/n) wondered most was how their friends were doing. How much had they changed? Soon enough they would know, for stopping by Wedgehurst for a surprise visit is their way of finding out. They just hoped it wasn't too late to pop in today.

With renewed pep in their step, (Y/n) walks straight ahead until she is met with a tall structure of brown, white, and violet. The pokéball sign over the entrance indicated that it was indeed the Pokémon Lab. It hasn't changed a bit save for the vines that grew out and over the windowsills. Giving a tentative knock on the door, the veteran trainer walks through and takes a good look. The outside may not have appeared too different, but wow! The inside had some work done. New technology was a given considering the occupation of science and research, though there was so much more greenery and literature that there was now a second floor. The place could pass for a recreational library if it really wanted to.

"Why, hello there. Is there anything I can assist you with?" (Y/n) turns their head to view a rather plain looking lady. A woman of average height with blue-black hair and glasses stands patiently for an answer.

"Hey-ya. I was looking to see if Sonia or Professor Magnolia were here?" The woman shakes her head.

"I'm sorry. They have left for the day. I stayed behind to organize my work, so I'll be the one closing for tonight." A small sigh leaves them in response.

"I did arrive too late, then. That's not a problem. I'll just visit them when they're in tomorrow." Giving a nod of thanks (Y/n) turns to exit, yet upon opening the door they are met with a familiar face. A teen boy with amber eyes and a head of purple hair. He had a stack of annotated papers in hand; the fluffy figure of a Dubwool stood by his side as it bleated at them in greeting. (Y/n) would have greeted the pokémon back if they and the boy weren't having a borderline staring contest, both shocked at seeing each other once again. Apparently, the boy was at a loss for words so (Y/n) breaks the silence.

"How's it hangin' Hopscotch? You haven't forgotten about me have ya?" A proud smile graces their face. He's grown so much from the last time they saw him.

In a split second, the weight of his person clings to them in a tight hug. His shoulders shake with quiet sobs as (Y/n) reciprocates, letting tears of their own slip down their cheeks. It was one thing to talk through a phone screen but seeing each other in-person goes unmatched. It has been years.

(Y/n) was like a second sibling to Hop; a wayward soul with a sharp wit and open mind. Someone who, despite being rather blithe was also fully capable of giving their 110% percent. Both they and Lee played a part in making who he is as a person, more than they'd ever know. So, when (Y/n) had made the decision to "go on a new adventure", he didn't know how to feel. To be in their presence after over half a decade has him floored. When Hop pulls away to dry the remainder of his tears, (Y/n) takes their hands to playfully cup his face.

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