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"Alright, Let's get going."
I nodded softly and grabbed one of my suitcases, letting Caleb take the other one. He opened the door and held it open, waiting for me to walk out. I turned slowly and gazed at the empty walls, and let a tear trail slowly down my cheek. He grabbed my hand and held it softy, running his thumb over my knuckles.
"C'mon. You can't stay here forever."
"I know." I whispered
I let him lead me out to his truck, opening the rusty door. I climbed in, letting him take my other suitcase and setting it in the bed of the truck, wrapping the ropes that connected to either side. He got in, slamming the door.

"It sticks sometimes." he grinned sheepishly before backing out of the drive way.
I nodded and looked out the window, watching the town I grew up in fade away slowly. All the lights and restaurants and hotels, slowly becoming so small they looked like a dot. About an hour or so into the drive, Caleb turned the radio on, turning it to a country station. I didn't necessarily like this type of music, but I didn't say anything. I didn't feel like talking. I didn't feel like doing anything, really. I just wanted to curl up next to my mother on the couch, while my father watched a random football game. I really wanted my family. Somewhere along the way I fell asleep, my head against the window, and my feet tucked under my legs.
I was woken by someone picking me up from the seat, holding me close to their chest while they speak in a thick drawl. I didn't bother to stay awake, I just leaned against their chest even more, wrapping my arms around the persons neck.

"Quiet. She's asleep."
"She's been sleeping. Can't we wake her up??"

I groaned and rolled over, stretching my arms up above me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, a whimper leaving my mouth. I was sore. I must've slept weird. When I took in my surroundings I could practically feel my eyes bugging out of my head. Two men I had never met before stood before me, and my cousin grinning at me.
"Mornin sunshine."
I looked down slowly, gasping when I saw I was in only my underwear and a Tee shirt that wasn't even mine.
"Um..hi." I whispered
The boy farthest from me snorted, and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, pulling one out and lighting it. He put the paper between his teeth and wrapped his lips around it, inhaling deeply. It was alluring. I hadn't realised I was staring at the man until Caleb cleared his throat and looked between our staring contest, or what it probably looked like. He clapped his hands together and practically pulled me out of the bed, being sure to pull the hem of the shirt down, sending a glare to the man with the cigarette. He was honestly so beautiful. He had thick black hair, pushed back with what was probably very cheap gel, seeing as many tendrils of his hair fell around his face. His dark skin contrasted with the lightness of his almost golden eyes, boring deep into mine. He was almost as beautiful as the man beside him.
"Okay, let's eat." Caleb broke my thoughts, as the man stared at me at an intensity I couldn't comprehend. And what struck me most was that it wasn't the man with a cigarette, but the man beside him.
I was about to walk out with them, until Caleb pushed me back into the room.
"You get your clothes on."
I nodded and slowly shut the door, letting out a breath I didn't even know no was holding. I went to look through my bag, but much to my dismay my clothes weren't in my bag. I sighed and looked at the big chest of drawers.
Once I was dressed in a pair of black sofie shorts and a white tee shirt from a random resort I went to as a kid, I crept down the stairs and into what I guessed was the kitchen. All three boys looked up at me and all smiled but the beautiful one. Cigarette guy pulled out the seat next to him, gesturing for me to sit down.
'Do these guys ever talk?' I asked myself silently.
I sat and watched Caleb get me a plate, filling it with pancakes and bacon and a banana. My absolute favorite.
"I'm Zayn."
I looked to my left at cigarette guy. He finally talked. His accent was thick with a southern drawl, making 'Zayn' sound like 'Zenn'.
I smiled. "Layla."
The beautiful man's brow furrowed, but he said nothing.
"Beautiful name." Zayn smiled, taking another bite of cereal.
The table was silent after that, but I didn't mind. I like quiet. Once I was finished I took my plate to the sink and scraped it off. Going back to the table I took Caleb's plate, bending down to kiss him on the cheek. I took Zayn's bowl, smiling at him as he thanked me. I looked to the beautiful man.
"May I take your plate?" I asked, trying not to whisper like I usually did.
He pursed his lips and his chest rose rapidly, almost as if his heart was beating erratically. He nodded after a moment, passing it to me, our fingers brushing when I took it. A shock of electricity shot from his finger to mine, causing me to drop his plate on Zayn's lap.
"Oh god." I quickly set the bowl and other plate in the sink, and grabbed a towel. Sinking to my knees in front of him, I desperately tried to wipe the syrup that littered his lap. I didn't listen to his protests, focusing solely on my task before me. His pants were going to stain and it would be all my fault.
"Layla, honestly, it's okay. I can just wash them."
I ignored him and wetted the towel with my tongue, rubbing his thigh. I was suddenly lifted from the floor, resting me on my feet. I turned angrily to yell at Caleb, but closed my mouth when I saw the beautiful man in front of me.
"That's enough." He said lowly, my eyes widening at his beautiful voice. So low and raspy, but velvety soft at the same time. I nodded slowly, my eyes locked with his emerald ones. I lowered the towel, dropping it on the table. I turned back to Zayn, breaking eye contact with the beautiful man. He sat smirking, his hands shielding his lap.
"I'm so sorry about your pants. If you want I can wash them right now, I don't mind." I said, my voice shaking.
Zayn smiled, his teeth on full display.

"Layla, it's not that big of a deal. A Little syrup never hurt nobody." He smirked at me as a blush covered my cheeks and ears. "But, I will take you up on your offer on the laundry, I don't think I've done mine in about three months."

I giggled at him, grinning widely. "Okay." I said, laughing slightly.
He surprised me though, when he stood and removed his pants, standing in just his socks and a tee shirt that rose just above the waistband of his undergarments.

I blushed even more when he pulled his socks and shirt off his body. I had never seen a boy's body so up-close before. I gasped when I felt a hand close around my wrist, turning around in the beautiful mans hold. My brow furrowed when he glared at Zayn, his fingers digging into the underside of my wrist. He took zayn's clothes in his hand, and led me out of the room and into the wash room.
I shook out of his hold, cradling my hand in my chest. I watched as he threw the clothes into the Washer machine, along with other garments that littered the floor. He removed his shirt and threw it in, smirking at me when he saw my reaction to seeing his skin. He had so many tattoos all over his torso and arms, most of them that seemed completely irrelevant.

After he started the load, he turned to me. I cowered under his heavy gaze, so heavy I thought it could break me. His eyes traveled down my body and then back up, a smirk playing on his features. He walked closer to me, so close his chest was almost touching mine. He leaned his head in and his hot breath scanned my neck, making my eyes flutter shut and my body to lean into him.
"You shouldn't be seeing his body."

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