Tutor (Harry Potter X Reader)

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You looked down at the piece of paper that was just handed to you. You couldn't believe it. You had failed. Again.

Your trance was interrupted by none other than Draco Malfoy.

"So, what'd you get on the test y/n?" He asked, trying to sneak a glance of the paper in your hand. You quickly pulled it away, out of his view.

"That's none of your business, Malfoy." You said, teasingly.

He smirked at you. Before you knew it, he reached over and snatched the paper out of your hand.

"Malfoy! Give it back!" You yelled. He held the paper high in the air. You jumped for it but failed. He was too tall.

You looked down at your feet, knowing you had been defeated. He brought the paper down.

You smirked at the ground. This was your chance. Before he could look at the grade, you brought your head back up and ripped the paper out of his hands.

Before he was able to snatch it back, the bell rang. He sighed in defeat.

"Fine. You win y/n." He said. You smirked at him and then started laughing.

"Ms L/n, may I have a word with you?" A voice from the front of the class said. You took your eyes off Draco and looked towards the front of the room. You realized who's voice it was.

Professor McGonagall was patiently waiting for a response.

"Um sure, Professor!" You said. You started walking towards her, but turned around halfway. "Bye, Malfoy. I'll see you later." You said, looking at the platinum blonde boy.

He gave you a small smile and walked out of the room. You turned back around.

"So what did you want to talk about, Professor?" You asked. You smiled, trying to hide that you were terrified on the inside. You hoped you weren't in trouble.

"I need to talk to you about your grade in this class." Professor McGonagall said, sternly. Your smile faded. "You're not doing so well right now y/n." She added.

"I know, Professor. I've tried everything, but I still don't get anything on the tests. I stayed up until 3am studying for this test and I still failed." You complained.

She nodded. "I think you should consider a tutor." McGonagall said, eyeing the room. "How about...Potter?"

You turn around and your eyes meet with a short, brown-haired boy. He smiled at you and walked towards her desk.

"Did you need me, Professor?" He asked McGonagall.

"Yes. I wanted to ask you something." She started. "Would you be willing to tutor Ms L/n?" She asked, pointing at you. The boy glanced over at you and then back to McGonagall.

"Uh sure, Professor!" He said, turning back to look at you again. He smiled and you returned the gesture.

"Well then that's settled." McGonagall said, looking at both of you. "You two can leave now and head to the Great Hall for dinner." She added, gesturing towards the door.

You walked ahead of Harry and out the door. He trailed not too far behind you.

"Hey!" You heard someone from behind you say. You turned around and saw Harry, running towards you. He finally caught up to you and started to catch his breath.

"What is it, Potter?" You ask him, confused.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to study in the library after dinner?" He asked.

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