
482 26 21

your name = y/n matsuda

hair color = h/c

eye color = e/c

main love interest - mary saotome

relationships / status

- on the student council

- you belong to one of the most richest families in japan.

- you hate mary saotome, every time you hear her name it makes your blood boil.

- currently in a relationship with yumemi yumemite.

- very well known, due to your family's riches.

- best friends with the momobami twins, midari, and runa

- you are amazing at gambling, no one ever dares to challenge you.

- you and kirari both like messing with each other, and you both also enjoy playing pranks on each other. the both of you occasionally gamble, usually ending up in her winning because you don't care too much.

- you are very athletic, and enjoy working out.

- you enjoy gambling, swimming, working out, drinking with friends, etc.

characteristics -

to friends, you are

- bubbly, flirtatious, compassionate

to people you dislike -

maybe flirtatious, you enjoy messing with them. you are also often cold, disrespectful, and a smartass.


that's all <3

-author :)

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