Homeosexual (nsfw)

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Eddy kind of always knew he was different from most of the other kids in his class. While the others talked about girls and what they would like to do with them, he didn't really relate to any of it. He didn't really have any interest in girls.

Then he met Brett, who told him about how there were other sexualities as well, like being gay or bisexual. Eddy thought for a while maybe that was the case, but he never really felt any attraction to anyone.

On the other hand, he had been attracted to something.

It had started when his parents decided to move houses to be closer to his father's workplace and brought him to the real estate agent. All the pictures of embellished entrance areas, pillars, staircases... Oh god, just seeing the picture of the most beautiful spiral staircase he had ever seen was probably what made him realize this wasn't just any fascination for the beauty of the buildings.

Later he discovered that this had a name. Officially, this was a branch of objectophilia, but appearently it was more jokingly referred to as homeosexuality. Being sexual attracted to homes, or rather houses in general in Eddy's case. It didn't matter if anyone actually lived there.

He had no attraction to the house his parents moved their family to, though. It felt wrong, in the being attracted to your cousin kind of way.

Brett's house, on the other hand, was the most attractive house he had ever set foot in. It may not have looked special to anyone else, but the rough brick exterior, the clean windows, the staircase... Dear lord, the staircase. He had avoided going up it for all the years he and Brett had been friends simply because he knew he wouldn't be able to control himself if he did.

He still found himself carefully stroking the bottom of the smooth, wooden railings when he walked past, though. It felt like an innocent enough touch to anyone seeing him, even though the sudden tightness in his shorts on the days he hadn't found any good real estate catalogues in a while.

It was a secret for the longest time, mainly because how do you even bring up being sexually attracted to houses, right? And the judgement would surely be awful. Of course, it was Brett who noticed something weird first.

"Dude, stop jerking off my staircase," he joked as he came back from getting his wallet so they could go out for bubble tea, Brett's treat. Brett often offered to pay. "If you need something to jerk off, I can fix that for you."

Eddy turned bright red from being caught, not even noticing Brett's suggestive joke and quickly retracted his hand from the beautiful, swirly railing. The dark, warm brown colour of it had simply been too tempting and running his hand up it made him shiver with excitement.

"I uh... I wasn't..." he stuttered in response, licking his lips nervously, but Brett just pushed him playfully.

"I'm just messing with you," Brett chuckled, slipping his shoes on. "Let's go get bubble tea."

After this, it really felt like Brett was on to him every time they hung out at his house. He was always having his eyes on him, touching his arm when he spaced out admiring the archway between the living room and the dining room or the symmetry of the living room windows, giving him questioning looks when Eddy's eyes ran over the wallpaper.

"What'cha staring at?" Brett asked with a giggle one day when he caught him looking at the staircase directly behind Brett. "Admiring the view?"

"Uh... I... I mean... Kinda? It's..."

"Really?" Brett interrupted him, getting a hint of pink over his cheeks. Eddy didn't understand why. "Do you... I mean, do you...?"

"Yes, I have a thing for stairs," Eddy interrupted him, begging the earth to swallow him whole right then. If the lightning could strike him dead right then, that would be okay by him. "Houses, actually."

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