💛🖤⭕️its ok⭕️🖤💛

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Trigger warnings:
⚠️suicidal thoughts⚠️

Shinso pov:

Im walking out of the school, i guess i wont be becoming a hero, i just got general studies.

Well of course, who would want a hero with a villains quirk?

What was that? Was it a person? I look around and see the street is empty.

All the walk home the voice is going off in my head.

Your worthless, weak, terrible, disgusting, a villain. i weak little kid.

I walk through the door to my house "dad, papa, im home." I say, but i get no reply, so they must be on patrol. I walk up the stairs to my bedroom and sit on the bed, the voice still telling me terrible things in my head, that deep down i know are right.

I walk over to my book shelf hoping to stop it by distracting myself, so i grab deathnote book one. I get a few chapters in before the voice gets to loud and i can barely hear myself think. I sit there motionless until one particular string of words catch my attention.

You should just kill yourself

I stand up and just want it to stop so i start pacing the room until I accidentally cut my leg on a loose screw from my chair, but while the pain was still there the voice kinda just, went away.

I reach down and pull out the screw and scrape the skin on my leg again, i like it. But i know i can do better, i pull myself up and walk to my desk and grab my pencil sharpener, i unscrew it with my fingers and take the blade out. I pull up my sleeves revealing my arms and wrists, i take the blade and make a deep cut across my forearm, the white hot pain felt good, i do it again, and again, until i get a little light headed. I stop for a minute then pull up my other sleave and before i can start on this arm a hear a gruff voice behind me.

"H-hitoshi?" He asks me. I freeze in place. How could i have not heard them come in, i just stand there not moving an inch. "W-what are you d-doing?" He asks me.

"Please leave dad." I ask him politely.

"No way in hell am I leaving, why is there blood on the floor and what are you doing?" He asks me again.

"Nothing" i say while tucking the blade in my pocket and turning around, and putting my right arm (the one dripping in blood) behind my back, hoping he doesnt see it. "I was just wondering what this blood on my carpet is alwell" i say, a little brighter, just pretending that what i did never happened.

"Ok then, if nothing happened, then you should feel perfectly comfortable showing me your arm" he says. I show him my left arm and he looks up to me, "your other one." He says, unamused.

I shove my right arm infront  of him, he looks at the blood dripping from my sleeve and peels the blood soaked cloth away from my arm. Hes expression goes from worried, to terrified, and i cant handle seeing him like that, i look away and keep them locked with my bookshelf.

"M-mic, get up here, nOw" he yells at papa, papa runs up the stairs.

"What do you need babe?" He asks walking through the door, he stop dead in his tracks when he sees me, and my overall condition. "W-wh-wha- why?" He stutters. The tears start pouring down papas and dads faces. I feel a tear role down mine.

"LOOK IM SORRY OK?!" I yell at them and run to the bathroom to cry. I manage to make it there without being blocked, i slam the bathroom door closed And lock it, i know they'll be knocking the door down the minute they get here, so i bring out the blade and start making small cuts on my left arm. Ive made 3 cuts before i hear them running into the door full speed to get inside, i start making deeper cuts, both of my arms are covered in blood and im sobbing by the time they manage to break the door. Even when the door has been broken and i can feel hands pulling at me and papa and dad yelling at me to stop, i still keep cutting.

Because your a villain

Because your terrible

Because no one likes you

Because who would want a hero like YOU

Your just a little kid who cant even comprehend that your just a VILLAIN

Why wont you just DIE




I drop the razor and cover my ears, hoping to stop the voice but it only gets louder "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP! I KNOW!" I yell at the voice.

"Hey, tosh? Open your eyes, your ok, its just me and papa." I can here dad say to me, i open my eyes and remove my hands from my ears. I suddenly realize what just happened, and start sobbing while running into his arms. "Its ok. Your ok. Every think will be ok." He says to comfort me while rubbing small circles in my back.
Papa joins our hug and we all just sit there for a few minutes. Before they break away and start bandaging my arms.

"Your gonna have to tell us why you did this eventually though. Ok?" He tells me. I just nod my head.

"C-could we hug again?" I ask them.

"Oh course." Dad says, then he squishes me and papa into a tight hug. "I love you guys."

Ok so, this might be terrible because i wrote it in the middle of the night and i don't remember half of it, and im too lazy too edit it, or read it over. So just take this. Bye my shes, hes, theys, and gays.

Edit: ok, yes i realized my mistake with the title and i have fixed it, sorry about that 😅. And yes i also realize this is absolutely awful i just dont wanna delete it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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