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Italic - The Dorian's

Normal - The Brown's

Christmas Time. It was the time that some families enjoyed the most, especially the Dorian household. They had been ready and decorated since November and had bought their clothes for the special occasion, which by Christmas Eve were washed and pressed ready for Church. So as the clock struck 5pm, the Dorian daughters, Genevieve, Elizabeth, and Charlotte, ran downstairs to their parents and put on their fancy church coats. The door opened and the family made their way to the service.

Across the city, the Brown family were preparing for Christmas, with high spirits, and joyful hearts. They hadn't been dealt the best hand in life, but they were thankful for whatever they got. The door opened as Abigail Brown rushed in, sheltering from the harsh winter snow. The whole house shook as she shut the door behind her. It was an old, rotting house that had an aroma of burning wood and dampness. Moss grew in the corners of the house and cobwebs were everywhere, shimmering everytime the light hit them, like the sparkle of stars in the night sky.

For the Dorian's, food was a huge part of Christmas. A turkey was being pulled out of the oven as potatoes were placed on the table. Delicious smells arose from the food, and warmth flooded the kitchen as the oven opened. After a feast of food, Mrs Dorian disapeared into the oven room and come back minutes later with a delightful looking pudding, with a decorative holly stuck up in the top. This was their favourite part of Christmas, the pudding. With a match lit, and one swoop of a hand, the cake dazzled as it's flames lit up the room, the ignited brandy catching fire.

"Abigail! Go supervise your baby brother whilst I'm cooking"

"Yes mother!"

Abigail ran to the upstairs to the nursery, as she picked up her brother, who was only a few months old. Her mother had named him Atticus Toby Brown after their father, who was imprisoned for stealing. When Abigail's youngest sister was born, the family were starving to death. He had stole a baguette from a street market, and he was caught. Sentenced to 10 years in prison. He was half-way through his time. Abi had been 10 when she had last seen her father, she now was 15, and slowly forgetting him. She didn't know how to tell her father when he got out, where this other five year had come from. Her mother had to have this baby for another man, just because she needed money. As she gazed into his eyes, she imagined having a child of her own day, but nobody would wan't to marry a poor woman anyway.

Abigail had six siblings, three younger brothers, and three younger sisters. Excluding Toby, she had her two younger brothers, Avram and John, and her three younger sisters, Beatrice, Gianna, and Jaqueline. She had always been the role model, the strong one, and the leader of the group. She never had time to show weakness, or fear. Her father was always in charge, and it had been a culture shock when she had suddenly taken over, and been forced to look after all her younger siblings.

She knew what she was doing, she just needed to stay strong.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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