Accident Happens

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"Come on wake up, it's not the time! We gotta get out of here fast!" I heard while trying to open my eyes, it was very difficult, I couldn't feel my body aside from a huge headache, what was happening...

"Oh thank Arceus they're here! Hey! We are down here! Please help Bulb!" was yelling someone next to me, with a distressed voice.

"We got you two!" respond someone else, this time from far away. I couldn't hear anything else afterward as the only thing I could hear was some gigantic things falling, lots of noise not allowing me to hear any more of their voices. I then felt pushed off the ground, I could feel the wind from all directions trying to push me down, but the other force that was dragging me upwards was strong enough. After what seemed to be forever, I feel myself getting slowly put on some sort of soft surface, then everything went black again.

I tried to open my eyes a few times again, but no luck, I could not move or speak, but I know some people were taking care of me, it felt nice.

... I finally manage to open an eye and look around me, this place seems familiar but I still have no idea what was going on. Suddenly in front of me jumps a creature about my size and starts yelling :

"You're finally awake! I was so worried about you! How do you feel? Do you need anything?"

I didn't respond, I didn't know what to say, I don't remember a single thing... Who was I?

"Oh, you're probably only waking up... I'm sorry for jumping at you, it's just that after our last adventure, you went out for about 3 days..." she says after looking at me for a few seconds seeing I wasn't reacting. I couldn't think straight as I was trying to understand what was going on, did she take it like I wasn't listening?

"The expedition didn't go as expected, we did find a lot of treasures but we also caused an entire forest to collapse on itself after waking up a gigantic creature by accident, I'm so sorry that I brought you in too, you even told me you had a bad feeling about it." She continued, I tried to understand what was going on, but I really had no clue, though I could tell on her face it was a traumatizing experience. After sitting next to me for a moment, looking at me confused and concerned, she walks away. I wish I could have said anything, but I wasn't able to at that moment. I need to get ready.

I manage to get up and look around, touching and opening containers, and then in one of the boxes I find a small framed picture of that girl and me on it, with a lot of people behind, and the text "Me and Mike on victory road!", was I Mike? We seem happy in that picture, I like that and I wish I remembered this moment.

When looking at the mirror, I was a small blue and orange creature, however, I had a lot of small cuts and a huge one on the fin on my head, though it doesn't actually go to my head, so it can't be that, this can't be the reason for my amnesia. At least they didn't hurt as they seem to have been taken care of. Just by thinking that my headache went away!

I decided to slowly walk to where the girl was heading, I find a huge room full of people, as the girl suddenly jumps in front of me again, it scared me a little, and before I knew it, she started yelling at me again.

"Are you feeling better? How are you!", I nodded to her question but wasn't feeling like talking, I looked down a little as I was still waking up. However, it seemed that she knew something was wrong so she dragged be back inside the bedroom and sat in front of me strictly :

"Ok, tell me what's wrong, you normally act much happier when getting up, even if everything seems bad." She acts, looking at me deeply in the eyes. I had to answer or else I felt like she was going to attack me, she was scared when being serious, I kinda regret her surprising jumps.

"I don't remember..." I had to answer. She was getting confused and started to ask me more questions.

"Do you remember me? Do you remember where we are? Do you know who you are?...", I shook my head at every question she asks me. I don't know if it was the right moment, but I wanted to ask her about the picture :

"Am I Mike? I saw it on the picture" I ask her as I walk towards the box.

"Yeah. Your name is Mike..." she answers, looking down as if she was about to cry. I started to feel bad for her, I bet having his best friend losing his memory isn't the best thing to happen, and the forest collapsing and all, it might not have been the right moment.

"Are you okay?" I try to ask when sitting next to her, trying to relate.

"No... I'm not. It's hard for me to take in, that you could have lost your memory just like that, after 2 years of explorations together... We saved our world, we had so much fun, and now that another powerful Pokémon is awakened, you're just unable to do anything anymore..." She answers, crying. She was being honest and it really made me want to cry, but I contained myself. If she thinks of me as someone who brings happiness, I will have to act like one!

A moment of silence happens as I hug her. After calming down, she says :

"Oh by the way I'm Cloud, you're a Mudkip and I'm an Eevee. We are in the Pokémon world... We are an exploration team and normally we are both leading it, but since you have your memory loss issue, I guess I'll have to handle it, for now, I'll probably ask help from Bulb."

This definitely gave me more context and words to work with while I try to put back myself together. So I am the leader of an Exploration team, that sounds cool! But I shouldn't focus on that yet.

I keep thinking about it until Cloud talks again :

"You should go back to bed and rest, we will talk later. I'm glad you're okay." She says while giving me a smile and leaving the room.

I was alone in the room now, the light coming out of the window was calming so I took this time to feel and think, let's see.

I am Mike, a Mudkip who has amnesia. I'm the leader of an exploration team with Cloud which I'm guessing I'm best friends with because of the stuff and that we probably sleep in the same room. My objective is to find a way to get back my memory and help Cloud with the accident in the forest. I feel less lost now, I'm sure I'll find a way!

- Hey there! Hope you enjoyed this new story :3, I do not plan on doing this story on a specific basis so it might come out whenever I want to.
The drawing is by me.

To be continued!

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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The Memory PrisonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon