The Server

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"Bye Toga!"
"Bye Olivia! I'll text you when I'm home."

That's me and my friend Toga. We have been friends for a long time. But she once dated this boy and boy he's cute. His hair flows through my brain as I day dream about him... I wish I could hug him all the time...

As the small female walked home in the evening cold weather she daydreamed about the boy she liked. Morgan. That was his name. She'd often want to talk about him all the time but resisted the urge to. As she tugged at her school blazer sleave peacefully walking the small distance.

"Hey mum" She whispered as she walked through the white crooked front door that was obviously old. Her mum replied with a calming hello. She walked upstairs and got into her fluffy pajamas covered in polka dots!

She grabbed her phone and hoped online to discord seeing that her friend had sent her a invite to a My Hero Academia RP discord server. She accepted the invite and instantly set her name to Mr Aizawa.

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