this is not a phase

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'in order for me to tell you my story, i'll have to explain a few things first.'

the therapist just looks over comfortingly, nodding for jisung to continue.

'well, firstly, i like to go by han. i prefer it actually.'

okay, so he waits for han to continue.

'i'm agender. i know that might be confusing, but i use they/them pronouns. that's very important to why i'm here.'

'well, han, my name's bang chan and i use he/him pronouns! i don't know if that makes you feel more comfy or not, but i want you to know that this is not one-sided. i want you to feel as comfortable as possible so that you can start opening up as these sessions progress.'


'so, why have you decided to see me? if you're alright with sharing.'

'well, i heard that you work with lgbtq+ community members and don't- how do i put this?'

'try to use methods of conversion to tell you who you are is wrong?'

'yes, that. i've been to three other therapists and they've all tried to-'

'i promise that we don't do that here. i can assure you that we are lgbtq+ friendly.'

chan slides a picture towards han, letting them grab it gently. flipping the picture towards themself, han holds their breath. it's just a small, black frame, though inside the frame holds a picture of chan. he's got blond, curly locks that are covering half of his face and he's got his arms wrapped around someone, rubbing his face on their shoulder. this person, this man, is a few inches shorter than chan. he's got jet black hair, a sharp jawline and biceps probably as big as han's head. he's got his eyes shut and his head tilted back in laughter, his cheeks dusted pink.

'that's my boyfriend. his name is changbin and he's the biggest sweetheart.'

han blinks three times, looks between their therapist and the photo before blurting the first three words they could think of.

'wait, you're gay?'

chan sputters and tries to hold back his laughter, he fails and eventually starts giggling quietly.

'i'm sorry, i really didn't- i didn't mean to laugh, but this always happens.'

'i'm sorry! i didn't mean to assume.'

'no it's chill! don't worry. i do give off het vibes.'

chan clicks his pen a few times, pulling up his clipboard and then giving han a fond smile.

'so, you're here for the lgbtq+ friendly people because you're agender, right?'

'well, yes. but there's more-'

'only say what you're comfy with, yeah?'

'okay. my sexuality is kind of confusing. not to me, but to people i tell it to?'

'well, i'm not here to judge you or try to make you feel uncomfy so if you want to tell me i'll try my best to understand.'

'right. well, i'm asexual, but romantically attracted to men. and i'm polyamorous, but i define myself as gay.'

'okay. i understand. you're romantically attracted to men, but you just don't feel the sexual attraction like everyone else does. i also understand that being poly means that you are very loving and open-minded.'

'i'm gonna cry. you actually get it. nobody has ever- wow.'

'yeah! i try my best to understand everyone's different identities to the best of my abilities. so, to the best of my knowledge, you're here because the response i gave you isn't normally the response you get?'

i'm a walking travesty | h.js x l.mhWhere stories live. Discover now