Untitled part

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Hufflepuff loved Slytherin. She really did. In fact, she reminded him frequently.

"I love you," she chortled during breakfast when Slytherin had cast a spell to make the bacon strips float around in a dancing manner so that she would cheer up after reading depressing news from the Daily Prophet. Another time, she cooed the term of endearment as he held her tightly in his arms, swaying to the sound of music in the background.

The thing was that Slytherin rarely said "I love you" in the entirety of their relationship. Instead of saying it back to her, he often replied by cupping her cheeks tenderly and leaning in for another kiss. Other times, he responded with a loving smile, his eyes glowing with warmth and infatuation.

However, a part of her- the small shadow of doubt within her heart that told her that Slytherin didn't care for her as much as she did for him- just wished for some kind of affirmation, a clear signal that said, "I love you."

One day, Hufflepuff and Slytherin sat side by side in Potions class, listening to Professor Slughorn drone on and on about Felix Felicis. She was absentmindedly staring at the board when Slytherin slid his notes in front of her so that she could see the doodle he drew on the side of his paper.


(here is the link to this story on my tumblr: 


there, you can find a picture of the doodle that i had included!) 


Hufflepuff bit her lip to suppress a laugh and squeezed his hand 3 times.

Unfamiliar with the motion, Slytherin asked what the squeezes meant.

"It means I love you," she whispered. Her voice was soft so that Professor Slughorn didn't overhear their conversation.

Nevertheless, Slytherin heard every word. A smile tugged at his lips and he immediately squeezed it back. He didn't just stop there; he repeated the gesture about 6 times- and Potions class hadn't even ended yet.

From that day forward, Slytherin constantly told her I love you. Sometimes he squeezed her hand randomly- before he left for Quidditch practice, during breakfast when she passed him a plate of toast, and after he walked her back to the dormitory.

Aside from that, he would occasionally tap out the gesture with his finger.

Tap tap tap.

Hufflepuff looked up from her book and made eye contact with Slytherin from across the room. She knew what it meant. She always did.

Slytherin said I love you all the time now, more often than Hufflepuff's verbal "I love you".

She realized that he had a different love language from her, and that was ok. It was the love itself that mattered.

On their wedding day, as the officiant performed the ceremony, Hufflepuff looked up at Slytherin with adoration. "I love you," she whispered.

He smiled warmly at her and squeezed her hand four times.

I love you too. 


author's note: 

hope you enjoyed<3 check out my tumblr @hufflautia for updates on stories, dates for future fanfics, etc! 

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