in the beginning all things must be challenged

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Kronos the holy rookie knight

This story is about a tale of glory and death of a knight of the royal family of titan. The greatest knights of the titan kingdom are called paladin let's start off with the begining Kronos was a knight triany he was the lowest rank trainy having started years before his class he is still the lowest he wasn't strong brave or confident but he was loyal and faithful to the princess who watched the trainies to choose a hand full of knights a month Kronos wanted to be one of the few but he never got a chance until now because he never worked well in simulation so he never accelerated in the knight training but today the knight academy was attacked by the nayboring country the princess's guard has fallen Kronos and his mentor ran to protect the princess they defend her and bring the princess into the grand chamber were the mentor was fatally wounded he looked at his trainy and said" you will not save her with out some help my boy you can have my paladin crusader power armor I have a feeling you can use it to more potential than even I" and with that he was dead Kronos close his mentors eyes took his armor and said "I will not fail you I will be your shield" he grabbed the war hammer and faced off with the robot horde he turned on the thruster and ran toward them swinging hammer strike after hammer strike destroying the robots in droves he moved so naturally in the armor you could think it was his body the princess and knights seen this and became awed in the site of the worst of them all destroying droves of the enemy with ease but one of the muchines had a rail gun aimed at the princess and fired. it was so close the princess thought she was going to die, but Kronos enclosed her in his armors huge shield to his body saving her life. Kronos then riped the robot apart savagely and proceeded to kill the enemy wounce clear, he approached the princess and said "I am Kronos knight triany rank zero zero one I am here to serve my lady in combat and health" and with that Kronos smashed a robot right behind him with his huge hammer with ease. Kronos motioned for them to follow him as he made his way down, Into the tunnels so they can make there way out of the ruins of the great knight academy. Kronos and the other knight trainees we're attacked brutally over and over again and so Kronos made a decision he will stay the others will go. Kronos said "I will stay to fend off the enemy you must take the princess to the castle of iron mountain I will meet you there , for the princess!" The other knight trainees gave a oohr a in conformation as Kronos charged in to the enemy force behind them. Once the princess was out of the knight academy they walked in silence through the mountain pass of Razer edge to the fallen watch tower home of the  eagle's of Valhalla, the eagle's will only fallow a member of the royal family. The princess was ably to get her and the knight trainees a ride to the castle.
Meanwhile Kronos was in the middle of a huge battle killing enemy after enemy and gathering knight after knight and leading them to victory and leading them home to the castle but when they got to the castle it was under attack  everything seems useless to the knights in the castle until Kronos and a army of knights March down the mountain pass and the knight army clashed with the enemy army with Kronos leading the charge the princess looked at kronos as he fought with fury, the be princess was so mystified by his loyalty and bravery that she could feel her heart pulse for him but then she seen a huge enemy Brute with a sword as thick as a wind Mill blade make it's way to Kronos with the intent to kill it raised it's sword as Kronos turned around it cut his arm off. Kronos grit his teeth in Pain as his arm was cut from his body, he grabbed his hammer and hit the brute so hard he sent it into the mountain side killing it Kronos started to fall but he stop him self with his hammer he steadied him self and stood up and started fighting through the enemy force with more fury killing five at a time but then another brute sliced off Kronos other arm Kronos grabbed his hammer with his teeth and slammed the hammer head into the brutes head killing it Kronos keep fighting the enemy to get to the princess. The princess seen all of this and was shocked that he was still fighting to get to her but the enemy bust through the heavy oak doors to the throughn room and killed the princess's knights then a portly man walked in as the enemy troops formed in rank the man started to speek "I am here to take you as my bride my lovely princess" he tried to grab the princess but Kronos bust through the wall grabbed one of the enemy robots arms with his teeth ripping it off and attached it to him and use it to grab another and do the same thing then he started to destroy the enemy once he got to the portly man he grabbed him lift him up and said "you will do no such thing you fat pig" with that he killed him and thrown him out the balcony and yelled "the enemies prince has been killed" the knights selibrated for the victory they had a feast of victory and the guest of honor is Kronos for he is the one to lead them to victory the princess sat really close to Kronos and even waited with him as he got new arms. after that the princess anounced Kronos as the head guard and when no one was looking she kissed him. The next day the army of titan marched off to war with Kronos leading the army with the princess  by his side as they marched to the kingdom of arbiter the kingdom sent army after army to defeat Kronos in his charge for justice but the armies were no match for Kronos and the titan knights. Kronos found a shipment of railguns ment for the enemy so Kronos decided to use their own fire power agentes them so Kronos had a idea to use the railguns at long rang he called it sniper Menover so they set up around the enemy castle and took aim at the enemy soldiers Kronos gave the order to attack killing all the wall defences and then Kronos charged the gate with a bunker buster with anchor attachments that was integrated into the big shield on his arm as he punched the metal gate the anchors shot through the gate, and as Kronos pull back the gate was ripped apart. the guards behind the gate were shocked as Kronos slammed his shield in to them killing the soldiers. the titan knights charged through the gate and destroyed the enemy force inside the castle, as the snipers gave cover fire for the knights. Kronos made his way to the king in the luctorius thrown room where he cowers in fear as Kronos punched the door open. the king fell on his but and started to  scoot backwards into the wall as Kronos walk to him and pick him up Kronos said "for the crimes of your son the prince and the attack on titan and the knight academy you will be sentence to prison" Kronos put the king in chains and the titan army made their March back to the castle but on the way they found a abandoned town that was attacked not to long ago bodies every where wemon children and elderly all lost then there was a scream to the middle of the town so Kronos took half of his army into the town and ordered the rest to March to the castle. Kronos ordered the knights to search for survivers and the knights split up in teams Kronos made his way to the town center and found a young wolf faunus running from a big bellrog it swing it's powerful claws at the little faunus slamming it into the wall the bellrog was about to attack again but Kronos jumped in the way and in the process got slammed into the wall Kronos got up and charged the fire demon shoulder slamming it to the ground picked the massive thing up by it's neck and tail the little faunus watched as Kronos ripped the bellrog in half the little faunus smiled and fainted from exuation Kronos picked the little faunus up in his arm and at a closer look at the faunus face it looked feminine in structure so that means the faunus is a female. Kronos brought  the little faunus girl to the rest of the army they had found a couple more of the survivers to a safe place, when they Sall Kronos walking to them they rejoiced one of the knights ask what that roar was and Kronos said "it was a bellrog it's dead" the knights were speechless as it takes hole armies to defeat a bellrog and Kronos slayed the mighty beast by him self while defending a child a old knight said "your ether crazy or you have big bearings to fight a bellrog alone and defend a child at the same time" Kronos smiled at that and said "now that we have the survivers we can't leave them here we'll have to take them with us let's move out and back to the castle" as they were traveling to the castle one of the survivers noticed the little girl in Kronos arms as their daughter andask Kronos to give the child to them Kronos happily have the child back seeing they were family Kronos then headed to the front of the line to keep watch he noticed a flash in the distance as one of the knights fell to the ground dead Kronos yelled "cover the civilians snipers provide cover fire no mater what protect the civilians" as he finished he noticed that one of the enemy gunmen had his sites aimed at the little girl from earlier Kronos jump in front of the bullet as it made its way to her but he didn't see that the bullet hit his metal arm and bounce off of it and into the mother of the child Kronos aimed his railguns at the enemy and auto fired into them with heavy armer peirceing rounds shredding them to pieces, Kronos was shot in the gut as he charged into the enemy flattening them in his charge Kronos ordered his men to get the wounded to safety will he covered them Kronos them. Kronos started to fight with equal parts grace and brutality ripping tearing crushing it was a slaughter every enemy laid to waist on the field of death ripped open smashed splattered dismembered as Kronos killed them it was as if god brought him down as a angel of death to strike fear in the wicked but Kronos did not see the girl from earlier watching him until she gasp in awe. Kronos traveled to the castle where he learned of the passing of the girls mother he was mad at himself for the mistake he made now the girl didn't have a family so Kronos asked the girl if she wants to go with him as his daughter .the girl said yes and Kronos ask what her name was she said her name was skyla he took skyla to the princess. When they walked through the throne room skyla hiding shy behind Kronos as the two of them walked to the throne the princess jump on to Kronos in a hug as the king stood up from his throne to address Kronos in the assembly the king said" young man you have done us all a big deal of good by defending the knight academy saving the princess two separate acations and the recruits and knights stationed there taking down the king of arbiter and let alone kill a bellrog single handedly not to mention survive a ambush from the enemy and escort the survivers of the bellrog attack here in honor of this moment I am here by anounce Kronos rookie knight level 001 as sir Kronos master strategist leader of the brotherhood of the iron banner the princess's guardian army and I bistow onto you sir Kronos the metal of the iron will for your will to go on in battle after losing both your arms and the metal of iron bonds for your loyalty to my daughter the princess and the metal of all metals the king of heroes you young man are the first to receive this metal in a thousand years and the youngest now my daughter has a few things to say" the princess " I princess  announce sir Kronos as my guardian and as my love interest " with that every one in the throne room gasp Kronos looked as though he was going to fall over from anxiety Kronos "I do not disurve to be your lover my princess for I am a simple knight with no power to my name" cleo "then let's change that I princess Cleo name you Kronos Lord of house lupus rex you now have a title and now you are able to be my lover" with that being said the princess walked to Kronos and kissed his cheek. Kronos fainted and the princess said "you are so adorable for a big mean knight" Kronos woke up with the princess next to him she said "I love you Kronos I will always love you" she hugged to his form and fell asleep. The next week the princess was throwing up Kronos knew that she was pregnant the king found out and was furious with Kronos and ordered to have the child killed the princess was crying so hard it broke kronos's heart as one of the doctors stepped forward Kronos got in the way and said if you do that you will not walk again the king ordered his most loyal  knights to do it they step forward but Kronos raises his hammer To defend his lover and unborn child the knights have fought with him and knew what power he welds they where afraid of him they stood down the king was furious and charged them taking a slash at Kronos and sending him into defence mode taking blow after blow never giving ground then the king activated an magical power with in himself and used it against Kronos throwing magic Lance after Lance at him turning every thing around him to iron one priced his heart and he was being turned into a iron statue it was then that Kronos felt a power in himself for the first time then a voice spoke ( IF YOU WANT THEM TO LIVE I CAN HELP YOU WITH THAT) Kronos thought as his last thought do it and the voice kept his word and sent them far away from the king dome and in to a new world Kronos woke up and to find the princess bing dragged off by a couple mages he also Sall a little girl get punched in the face Kronos blood started to boil he felt him self moving and the next thing he knew his fist was sent through the mages chest he turns to see cleo dragged through a portal as it closed Kronos was distrote  but a 13 year old skyla patted Kronos on the back." come father we must save mother she is being held at brigadier castle the king has been horasing mother to be his bride." Kronos stood tall "I will show them  what a true brigadier is Kronos turned to the little girl and asked who she is she said her name's Sarah and that she is your daughter then she gives you a map "if you want to defeat brigadier castle you'll need better weapons and armor that's where the supposed earth king hammer aegis hammer and juggernaut guardian armor is but it's guarded by a rock giant Kronos tells the girls to follow him when they get there the rock giant says hello great defender welcome to the hall of guardians as Kronos walked in he could see great statues of paladins sentinels and berserkers Kronos walked forward to a podium that was glowing with power the a powerful voice said " do you promise on you life to protect the weak to smite all evil to right all sins so long as you live" Kronos " I do

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