The Boy Within The Pages

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Oh, how absolutely delightful! You couldn't wait to write in your new journal! Sure it looked ancient and soaking wet, but most importantly, it was free. You found it in the abandoned girl's bathroom inhabited by Myrtle, so, unmistakably, no one wanted it. You hummed to yourself as you stroke the old leather cover, sitting in the comforts of your desk. You opened the journal and began to write a new love story, since your diary ran out of pages. Oh, it was going to be hot and juicy!

You chuckled as the oneshot ended with the main heroine being kidnapped by her secret admirer, well, more like a stalker. You loved writing these short stories about troubled, misunderstood characters, taking control and the lead over a shy innocent narrator. It was a great brain exercise and an excellent hobby. Plus, it satisfied your urge for romance, which you were too shy to pursue on your own.

There weren't a lot of activities you considered enjoyable outside studying, reading, and writing, making you a bit of a loner. Most of your classmates did not care for understanding concepts beyond the Hogwarts's requirements, leaving you isolated the more you tried to express your passions towards certain subjects. You would have had more friends if it wasn't for the fact how boring the bookworms---a social group you most closely identified with--were. You gained nothing from their study-groups which struggling students practically bagged you to attend. If you wanted to waste time you were better off writing your romantic stories like this one. At least you enjoyed it.

You furrowed your brows in confusion as the ink disappeared upon the last sentence. What the hell? Maybe the journal was protected by a privacy charm? You shrugged your shoulders and closed the book. Whatever it was, it prevented others from snooping around. Deciding to deal with the charm in the morning, you yawned and fell asleep.

Hmm? What's this? How interesting. Tom Riddle chuckled as he read the story. It was obviously written by a horny teenager who believed in a ridiculous notion of love. However, they did have a peculiar view on it. It seemed that they had a rather... unique taste in men. He snorted as he disregarded the rubbish. How childish, wasting your time on such idiotic things. However, a nasty smirk crossed his lips as he began to think of a plan. Yes, that would be a lovely way to suck the energy right out of her and quite efficiently too. He already felt the girl's energy flowing through him. It was quite powerful since she put so much effort into her little erotic fanfiction. Tom chuckled to himself. This would definitely be more interesting than talking to Ginny. At least he'll have some fun with this one before she dies.

Tom decided to keep himself silent so that the girl would continue to write her smut. It's not like he enjoyed reading it, but she might stop writing altogether if she found out that he could read her stories.

You woke up early that morning in order to deal with the privacy charm on the diary. But to your surprise, you saw the ink on the pages as if it had never disappeared. How odd. Maybe you were imagining things last night. You shrugged your shoulders and decided to write another story for today. It was Saturday and idiotic time-wasting homework could wait.

You bit your lip as you continued writing. This time it was about a possessive blood-thirsty vampire who fell in love with a human. However, the young woman was happily engaged to another man. Well, let's just say the vampire took care of him and forced the woman to be with him. She was his vampire bride and was literally incapable of disobeying him.

"You will love me and only me. You will cherish this gift of immortality and you will stay by my side forever," he spoke triumphantly as he observed her blood-thirsty eyes. She was kneeling in front of him as he set on his throne, hungrily sucking the blood he had offered from his wrist.

"Yes, my Lord," she replied, unable to resist his influence.

Oh, it was just wonderful. You felt your body cover with goosebumps as you reread your story, loving the ending, loving the vampire's dominance and his wickedness.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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