1. Ancraophobia/Anemophobia

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As I was around 4 years old, I traveled to Spain with my Family. One day, I was inside of an bathroom, while the host of that pub/bar (we knew him pretty well) turned of the lights, and a really noisy ventilation turned on. I was alone, and still was afraid of darkness. I panicked badly, wanting out, but it was so dark, I couldn't find the door lock. As I got out, I cried in fear, and that's where everything began.

Well, nowadays I am 15, still badly afraid of overhead vents and sometimes even hand dryers. It even went that far, that I was afraid of Pool filters, which remind me of Vents.

All the times I tried to enter a bathroom (or room in general), I check for vents, some are okay, like the small round ones you sometimes find in public toilets. However, there are bigger ones, I totally hate. Well, these were sometimes freaking me out as well. I once lost my tooth playing in the exact area the pub/bar was at, tripping over a step, hitting it with my chin. My mouth was full of blood. Do you think I entered the bathroom to clean my mouth up? Nope, I rather stood there, let the blood from my mouth drop on the floor.
This isn't as extreme as it used to be though.

However, all the times I see bigger vents in a bathroom, i just stand there, in the door frame, not being able to move a centimeter. My legs are all shake and soft, I am sweating and trembling with fear. It takes me around 10 minutes to try to use the bathroom in a halfly normal way. (once it took me an hour).

This didn't change much, I actually don't know, how many times I had panic attacks because of these things. My mom was always like: "go already, you are acting totally childish!" and I would be like: "mom, you can't tell a person with a panic attack to calm down! It does not work!"
It literally is that way.

One time I nearly passed out, because my heartbeat was so high from fear, it was around 190bpm to 200bpm.

Now to the phobia:
Ancraophobia or Anemophobia

Both terms are used to define the fear of wind. People who suffer from ancraophobia tend to become anxious out of doors and near open windows.
Anxious feelings can also manifest themselves when passing hand dryers or overhead air vents. It is believed that the fear is triggered by an experience embedded in the person's subconscious.

(Underline symbolizes my kind of Ancraophobia)

Thiat was fact no. 1!
See you next chapter,

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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