Neat Tech Is New

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Neat Tech Is New. I drove off in my new One Puncher Biocar 1000. The barren wasteland before me sparkled as the rotten sun furiously shined against the Earth. My eyes gleamed, and full of sorrow I looked out of my car and looked at the lands of Nelrock. Neat Tech Is New. The sky was brown and black, with some orange clouds lingering among the skies. I was not in the city yet, therefore if I ran out of gas from going into Full Shock Mode, I wouldn't have any to refill my Biocar. I needed to recreate the exclusive Biodiesel. I saw a man outside in the dirt ridden ground, screaming for help. "Biodiesel." I thought to myself. "He won't mind." I spoke aloud to myself. I stopped the car and climbed out of it. I saw a pipe laying in the dirt, so I bent down and grabbed it.

   The man ran to me, crying. He was covered in brown blood, and he has some scratches on his body. He stopped crying, and he began to speak. "Hello." He said. "My family has been taken by The Winds and Neat Tech Is New."  The Winds are the forces of the dead Earth. Radiation, Fallout, Natural Disasters, Bombings, and other Earth killers. I then asked the man, "Do you have the new Biodiesel that has been rolling out?" and the man responded with a quiet and emotionless, "No." 

   I then took the pipe I was holding and hit him across the head. He was knocked out. His body fell to the ground with a thud, as I dragged him to a nearby acid lake. I threw him in and began feeding my car the new Biodiesel/Bioacid. My Biocar was now filled up to 10,000 percent. I began my 3 hour drive to the city. 2 hours into the drive, I saw a woman on a trash mountain in the distance, fog and dust all around her. I drove off the straight road I was driving on and began heading toward the woman. "I need to tell her about my car." I thought to myself. Once I arrived at  the bottom of the trash mountain, I climbed out of my car and began making my way up to the woman. 9 minutes later, I was at the top of the small mountain, and then I spoke to the woman. "Hey, see my Biocar down there? It takes the new Biodiesel they've been rolling out. Neat Tech, isn't it? The company Neat Tech Is New is the future we don't have. Neat Tech Is New."  She didn't respond, and I then noticed that she wasn't alive, but was a dead body nailed to a wooden post to scare away the birds from the precious trash.

   "The LED has not lit up. My fuel is not low." I said to myself. I turned around and slid back down the mountain to my car. I got in and began to continue my drive to the city. When I arrived to the city, I noticed how the sky was completely gray. On every building was an ad for Neat Tech Is New. N.T.I.N. for short. I looked down at my car key. The LED was lit. My fuel was low. I slowly drove to a gas station to fill up my car. I took my Money Numbers Card out of my pocket and let the pump scan it. I pressed the button for the Ultimate Fuel, A.K.A. Biodiesel. "It's the day." I said as I climbed back into my car. I began driving to a Neat Tech Is New office. The city buildings were both beautiful and disgusting. They reached the gray skies and beyond, and around them and on them were holograms with ads playing on every one of them. There on the streets were other people driving other Biocars to other places. 13 minutes later, I reached the nearest Neat Tech Is New office. I stepped out of my car and began walking up to the entrance of the office. There were two guards infront of the entrance. They asked me, "Do you have an appointment? Do you have a job interview? Why are you here?" I then responded with, "I am here for a job interview at Neat Tech Is New."

   "Show us your ID and your job interview confirmation card now, or else we will escort you to prison to learn your lesson. If you go there, you will stay for a week." They said to me. I pulled out my job interview confirmation card and my ID and they smiled and welcomed me inside. I walked forward to the elevator and hit the button that spoke. It spoke in a rather robotic voice, "Press me to go to the floor of N.T.I.N." I then pressed it. I was lifted to the special floor, and when I arrived there, the door opened to reveal a pitch black room. The elevator stayed open and still. A man in a white suit emerged from the darkness. He smiled and looked at me. "You're here from the interview, correct?" I did not even get to say yes before he began asking me questions. "Do you accept your inevitable demise along with the entire Earth that will commence within 5 - 8 years? Do you accept that you have no control over the full picture? Do you accept that taking this job will change your last 8 years? Do you accept every rule and command we make that will enable you to work here?" I said yes to all of these  questions he asked me, and he disappeared back into the darkness. The elevator doors closed and there was what seemed to feel like a rush of wind as the elevator fell down multiple levels. Then the elevators opened up to reveal an office with people typing on keyboards and making new Neat Tech. A man in a black suit next to me gave me a yellow plain suit, and he handed me a Neat Tech Speedwearer handheld device. I took the tube of the device and put it up to the suit, then I  pressed the button on the Speedwearer. I now wore the suit. He gave me a N.T.I.N. badge with my name on it that I clipped onto my suit top, and I then began working. I have worked at N.T.I.N. now ever since then, and ever since now. It's been 7 years and the world is ending now from The Winds. Neat Tech it was. The future is gone. Neat Tech Is old. Goodbye.

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