Chapter 1 || A useless fight

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**Charli's POV**

I slowly opens the door as I hear the loud screaming and yelling, could that be Jade and Zach fighting..? I peek into the living room as I see Jade and Zach yelling and screaming. Oh boy.. Here we go again... I creep behind the two of them making tiny creeks in the floor. I know, Im not stupid, I know they know that im creeping behind them to go up the stairs. I make it to the stairs and slowly walk up as I see Jade and Zach glaring at me. I get up to the second floor, I spot light in his room, I cant help but let out my giggles. I notice he is now staring up at me, I give him the most awkward smile I can form from my face and walk to my room. 

**Alex POV**

I come out of my room and hear the sweet sounds of Zach and Jade fighting, I walk down the stairs, "Can you guys keep it down?! Im trying to sleep!" I say in a serious tone. Zach and Jade just stare at me like they did something wrong, which they did! They ruined my peaceful sleep. I storm back up the stairs and slam my door, (Yes im making her be in a bad mood-) I hop back in bed and pull out my sparkling phone. "Gosh, can't those idiots not fight for once-" I enter my very complicated password and hop onto tiktok, I check my fyp realizing im bored as ever. I get out of my room and walk over to Charli's. "CHARLI OPEN THE GOSH DANG DOOR!" I hear her in her room, shes probably sleeping, I wont bother her any longer, I make my way down the stairs into the living room where Jade and Zach are still fighting. I roll my eyes and grab some bread out of the fridge. 

**Lights POV**

I smile thinking of Charli's sweet marshmallow smelling sent, I hear a loud bang coming from the kitchen, I immediately spring out of my bed and run down the stairs. "Is everything okay?!" I worringly say, Came to my surprise, Jade hit Zach on the head with a frying pan. "Well- I better get going-" I saw as I slowly back up. Charli slides down the railing like a flash of lightnig. She lands perfectly on her feet like a cat. "C-charli! Dont do that! Your gonna get hurt!" I stare at her pumpkin orange eyes admiring them ignoring the fact that she is talking to me. "Dont worry, Light, Ill be fine! And plus, if I get hurt then its my fault." She says forming a sweet innocent smile. I admire her smile them snap back to whats happening, Jade and Zach are still fighting and its getting on my nerves... I look down and yell, "Can you guys just SHUT UP?!" They all stare at me.

**Jades POV**

I stare at Light realizing he told me, JADE THE GREAT, to shut up! At this point, I was about to loose it. I stormed up to light, "What did you tell me?!" I screamed in his face. He looked scared, hah! I made him scared of me! No duh, he is really sensitive, I back away from Light and storm up the stairs into Drake's room. Hey Drake... Light is being an idiot again... I flop down on his bed

**Drakes POV**

"Oh.. Angel, Light is always an idiot." I look up at Jade and smiled at her. Jade looked at me and crawled next to me. "What are you doing?" She says curiously. I show her my phone, Im on tiktok scrolling through my fyp. She smiles at me. 

---------------- The Next Day ---------------

**Charli's POV**

I make my way downstairs hoping my cheeto milk hasnt gone bad yet. I carefully open the fridge trying not to wake up jade's rats. There it is. I pull out a small container filled with orange milk. I pull off the lid and INHALE THE CHEETO MILK. From the smell, I think its gone bad... Well, Ill have to get more cheetos later. 


HEYYYYY!!! I had so much fun writing this first chapter! I hope you enjoy it and chapter 2 might be out in a few hours depending on how my motivation is, Have a good day! -Annabelle

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