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Jake's funeral had been...a lot for Finn. His brother. His best friend. Finn was decidedly unsure about where he wanted to go or what he wanted to do. After all, he had been a hero for so long...and yet he couldn't even save his brother. Did he need a new person to help him with adventuring? Maybe, his next Adventure Buddy was waiting around the corner or maybe he was done with heroics for good.

Suddenly, a knock was heard at Finn's RV door, his and...Jake's temporary house since the treehouse was destroyed. Finn reluctantly rolled out of bed and opened it. He was surprised by who was standing at the door.

"Hey, Finn."

Simon Petrikov stood at the door. Finn had seen him at the funeral, but, he could barely speak to anyone. He didn't even talk to Jermaine.

"I know exactly how you feel, Finn. I wanna be here for you. The others think you need space, but I don't think you should be alone during all this. After all, you and Jake helped me get through the loss of Betty. I'd like to return the favor."

"Simon...I...thanks." Tears welled up in Finn's eyes as he embraced Simon. "I just need a friend after all this." Simon, ever since he stopped being Ice King after the whole GOLB Incident, had become somewhat of a close friend and father figure to Finn, just as he was to Marceline.

Marceline had become a sister figure to Finn as well. They were basically family. But, this family was a lot better than his real family ever was. Martin had abandoned him to become an eternal space guy, his mom was a robot. PB, Marcy, Simon. They had become honorary family over the years to Finn and Jake. Though he knew each and every one would end up outliving him. They were all immortal more or less, after all. Betty's wish had made Simon practically unkillable. Betty wished to keep him safe and it had, for an enternity so it seemed.

But, it was just Finn now. No Finn and Jake. Just.....Finn. Unless...

"Hey, um, Simon? Would you wanna move in here for a bit. I could honestly use the company around here." Finn asked, a small smile on his face.

"Heh, I've been meaning to move out of Marcy's place. I feel she and Bubblegum want some space and I just don't feel comfortable over at Southeast Ooo. The humans there are odd. They aren't...we aren't the same as other humans, Finn. My glob, you've done more adventuring and fighting with the Ice King and The Lich and all the baddies than anyone I've ever seen or heard of. And me, I was trapped in the mind of a lunatic for thousands of years. Not to mention, I'm immortal now. "

"Dude, I'm sure Betty didn't mean to-"

"Of course, she didn't. But, I'm different then most humans now and I think you are too. So yes, me and you, hmm?"


Adventure Time!

Come on, grab your friends!

We're gonna see Finn and Simon tie up their loose ends.

With Simon and Finn and many others!

Their Quest may never end,

It's Adventure Time!

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is just an idea I had. Not fully sure if it'll become a full story. But, I do have AT ideas and with an anthology I can sorta make them all a reality. So yeah, excited to hear what you think. This is sort of just a rough draft of what could be.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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