Chapter 1

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"Just remember, this is as much your world as it is mine, you're always welcome here Evan" the figure leaned down and gave him a hug "don't forget me, and I won't forget you, that way we'll never forget each other" 

Evan giggled, the 8 year old shook his head "Hatter, that doesn't make any sense" 

The Hatter laughed "that makes it the best" he stood back "you won't forget me will you Evan, you won't let me fade away?" 

Evan shook his head "I could never forget you J******" the words came out muffled like behind thick glass "you're my best friend in the whole world, both here and there, nothing will change that" 

The Hatter nodded "Good, then in return I shall never forget you and will throw you a Tea Party in your honor every day until you come back, you will come back won't you?" 

Evan nodded eagerly "of course, whenever I can, heck I'd even live here if I could" 

"oh can't you, that way we can play and have tea parties every day, and go on adventures all the time" 

another figure stepped up dressed in grey and white, a pair of grey floppy rabbit ears hung down the side of his head "you know that can't happen Hatter, Evan doesn't truly belong in this world, he needs to go home" 

The Hatter slumped downwards "I know, I just don't like it, I wish he could stay here forever" 

Evan stepped up and put a hand on his thigh "I will come back here Hatter, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow or next week, but someday I will come back" 

Hatter looked up, his piercing blue eyes staring into Evans brown ones "you promise?" 

Evan nodded, his expression serious "on the Jabberwocky's grave, may the Red King cut off my head if I'm lying" 

Hatter smiled "I'll hold you to that promise Evan" 

"Don't worry Hatter, I will come back, I swear, I'll come back to Wonderland someday"

Evan sat up with a gasp, he looked around expecting to see himself back in that place, back in that weird world were flowers talked and dodos were alive, and cats disappeared. He shook his head, just another dream, another weird dream, nothing more. Evans threw his covers off himself and stood up wincing at the cold floor under his feet, he padded over to his closet and opened it, pulling out a gray long sleeve shirt and black pants. 

he just laid them on his bed when he heard his mother yell up the stairs "Evan breakfast, hurry up if you want to eat some sausages before your dad eats them all" 

"all right mom, I'll be right down" he yelled back as he finished pulling his jeans on. He tuned to his mirror and picked up a comb and began running it through his hair fixing it into a quick messy bun, the long hair now reaching his shoulders 'Don't forget me and I wont forget you, that way we'll never forget each other' Evan frowned at that, who's voice was that, it seemed so familiar yet he could not remember it, he couldn't place it with a face because he didn't remember the face, it was just a blur in his memory, the 17 year old sighed and put his comb down and headed downstairs for breakfast. he went into the kitchen where his mother stood at the stove tending to a pan of bacon slices flipping them over and sliding a few eggs around on another pan. 

She turned to Evan and smiled "hey sweetheart, you hungry? I made breakfast, your plates on the table over there, please try to eat before you head to school this time" she told him with a smile. 

Evan blushed and turned from her "It was one time mom, and nothing bad happened anyways" 

She turned and swatted him with her spatula lightly on his butt "yet mister, and don't you be getting sassy with me mister, I'll whoop your behind back into next week" 

Evan laughed and hopped away from her "yes mam, fully noted" 

"Good, now go eat before your father devours all your bacon like the hungry machine he is" with his breakfast under threat, Evan headed towards the table where he spied his dad trying to stealthily steal a slice of bacon from his plate, 

Evan rushed over and smacked his hand "hey there Swiper, that's my breakfast your trying to pilfer old man" 

Evans dad pulled his hand away with a yelp "that could be considered elder abuse you know" 

Evan grinned "your barley pushing 40 old man, keep it up and I'll make sure you go in the old home before 60" 

His dad mock gasped before dramatically throwing his arm over his eyes "oh the heartache, betrayed by own son, how cruel the world is" 

Evan laughed, behind him he heard a car honk, he quickly got up and grabbed his bag "Jared's here, I'm heading to school"

 "eat something!" his mother cried out, 

Evan grabbed a slice of toast and stuffed it in his mouth before heading out the front door where his friend sat in his silver car ready to drive him to school like he always does. He came and hopped in the passenger seat and turned to his best friend since the 8th grade "let's go, they are acting more parental today than ever" 

Jared's face became sympathetic and he pulled out of the driveway "they don't know that you know about their upcoming divorce?" 

Evan shook his head "no, they are trying to act like nothings wrong, but you should see it, they barely look at each other, can't even be in the same room for more than a few minutes and are still trying to hide their divorce" 

Evan had been walking by his parents room when he heard them arguing and them mention his name, so with his curiosity piqued he stopped and listened when he heard them say the word divorce and how his mother lamented how they were going to tell Evan and what was going to happen, his dad telling her to calm down and to quit overreacting, Evan headed downstairs and yelled that he was heading to Jared's without hearing their response before running down the street and having a breakdown in Jared's room. After that he stayed the night and collected himself before heading home to find his parents with smiles on their faces and acting like nothing was wrong and that their life wasn't falling apart and like Evan was caught in the middle of it and unintentionally bearing it weight too. Since then they were trying their best to be nice and prepare to break the news to him soon, and Evan dreaded the day they would but held it together for them. 

Only problem was the dreams that he started having, weird dreams in a weird place, dreams that made no sense to him. They sat in silence for the ride until they pulled up to the school, Evan staring out the window at he groaned at the sight of the building and all the students milling around, god how he couldn't wait until he could leave this place, only 2 more years to go and he could get out of this place and go elsewhere, anywhere. Jared parked the car and they both hopped out.

Evan adjusting the bag on his shoulders and took a deep breath "another day, another dollar" he muttered. 

Jared turned to him with a grin "shall we madam?" he held out his arm 

Evan laughed taking it "we shall my good sir" he said in a false haughty tone and together they marched to the school like snobbish royalty snickering to each other every few seconds. They reached the door and headed inside, the chatter of students rising around them, they pushed past other students and headed to their usual corner behind the wall, hidden away from every one yet they could see everything from behind, their favorite spot to go, and it dulled the noise for Jared who couldn't stand it for long periods of time. There they sat watching the school around them until the bell rang, signaling the fact that it was time for class, and they stood up and collected their things and headed to their rooms. 

Here's another story i'm writing, it honestly might not be as serious as Our Love Eternal but it will be updated along with that one, maybe not as often but it will be hopefully

Take care, Polar bear, this is Akrin, signing out

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